

  • Oblivion's new achievements from Shivering Isles

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Xbox360Achievements.org posted the achievements to Oblivion's newly hatched first born Shivering Isles. And if you're keen to remember, Oblivion will be the first game to go over the 1000 Gamerscore limit with its Shivering Isles expansion adding an additional 250 Gamerscore points (per Microsoft's new Gamerscore rules). The sad part of all this expansion happiness is that the achievements are rather ... how do we say this ... dull. They lack that creative flair, that personality, and RPG originality. Bethesda must have used up their creativity reserves on the actual game, because they included a rather lame achievement which guarantees a 20 Gamerscore boost just for purchasing the expansion called the "Tourist" achievement. Oh well, a huge expansion offering an additional 250 Gamerscore points ... who could possibly complain?[Via Live Gamer]

  • Shivering Isles to be released at retail

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    In a recent interview with Gamertag Radio, design director of Oblivion Shivering Isles Bruce Nesmith let out some interesting details. When asked how Oblivion fans who don't have Xbox Live could get the Shivering Isles expansion pack, Nesmith admitted that they were working on a retail version. According to Nesmith, there will be a new special edition of Oblivion available at retail that will include all of the previously released content including the new Shivering Isles expansion. He also went on to say that there will be more downloadable content for Oblivion in the near future. So, does this sway your decision to download Shivering Isles by just selling your current copy of Oblivion and purchasing the new special edition when it releases? Or are you happy with downloading the expansion and having it stored on your hard drive?

  • Rumored price and download size for Shivering Isles

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Next month the Shivering Isles expansion pack for Oblivion will be available, but we have yet to hear any specifics. Gamehelper.com is reporting that the Shivering Isles expansion pack will only be available for the Xbox 360 via the XBLM, cost around $29.99, and weigh in at a beefy 1.5 gigabytes. Again, this isn't official information coming from Bethesda and should be treated as a rumor. Gamehelper.com doesn't site any sources or where they received the information and simply treats these tidbits as fact ... but we'll err on the side of caution. So guys, were you expecting the $30 price tag for the expansion and would you be willing to shell out that kind of cash for 30 plus hours of additional gameplay?[Thanks, aragorn]