

  • Hearthstone will have an official spectator mode

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Blizzard confirmed that a spectator mode is coming to Hearthstone, allowing players to sit in on others' play sessions. The news comes from BlizzPro, which talked with e-Sports Manager Kim Phan about upcoming plans for the game. Phan said that Blizzard is starting to take the e-Sports potential of Hearthstone a lot more seriously these days and has a list of features that it would like to put into the game, including a spectator mode. This mode won't be in the game by launch but should be put in "shortly after." Hearthstone is currently in open beta.

  • Hearthstone expansion details and Season 3 reminder

    Matt Low
    Matt Low

    Hearthpwn recently translated an interview with Hearthstone Executive Producer Hamilton Chu originally published on Chinese website Hearthstone's future is being discussed with the addition of new premium content. Game content and features They're working on new heroes like Varian instead of Garrosh for warrior decks. New card backs are also being considered and these are separate from the ones that are to be awarded during ranked season play (with even more rewards to be planned for the ranked ladder season). New game boards are also going to be added. There is no plan to adjust the length of seasons yet although the team is watching it carefully. For the time being, Hearthstone will consist strictly of Warcraft themed elements. Anything not Warcraft related won't be added. The game will eventually feature achievements. Adventure modes will have new quests, new game stages, and add an additional 10 to 20 new cards. Expected release date will be some time after the game is official released on the PC and iPad. Even though Hearthstone isn't out yet, the developers are looking ahead and planning the first expansion which will likely contain 100 to 200 new cards. Chu confirmed that Death Knights and Monk classes are not being worked on. 2v2 mode and observer modes are not actively being worked on (although observer mode is on the to-do list).