

  • The homebrew cookbook: Recipes and recommendations for 2007

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    When we think about DS homebrew, we imagine a bunch of talented people with their laptops hooked up to their bathtubs, using all sorts of magic and blood rituals to produce the things that they do. It's one thing for paid developers to make games, what with their fancy-schmancy development kits and other perks. Homebrewers, on the other hand, don't get as many helpful tools, or recognition, or rewards for their labor. That's why we're completely in awe of the homebrew community.Because of that, we compiled a list of some of our favorite homebrew creations of this year, with our best guesses on how they were made.**Note: DS Fanboy strongly recommends that you don't try these recipes at home.

  • Okiwi inches closer to completion

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    The homebrew browser OKiwi is a step closer to competing with the official DS browser and other homebrew offerings -- it can now go online! Which is a pretty important feature for a browser, no? And there's more good news to boot: creator Pedro J. Estébanez promises that now, updates should be more frequent. Considering the number of requests in the comments on this latest release, he's got his work cut out for him, but it looks like we're not the only ones excited by this project. Next up, we'll guess, is text box functionality, since search engines are a pretty big part of navigating the internet.

  • OKiwi update

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    It's been a while since we heard anything about the homebrew OKiwi browser, but developer Pedro J. Estébanez announced yesterday that the alpha is "imminent." While this will truly be a test version, Estébanez wants to be able to demonstrate how the various parts of the browser will come together to utilize the DS. It's not available yet, but we'll let you know the moment it's ready. We can all wade in together to see what we can break ... er, we mean test the alpha release.