

  • UK scientists seek to restore sight

    We're confident that between all these brilliant minds, restoration of sight in humans isn't too terribly far off. Scientists housing their research in Glasgow University are working towards incorporating a device similar to a digital camera (surgery cost based on megapixels and zoom?) into those who have lost their vision due to "age-related macular degeneration or retinitis pigmentosa." More specifically, an imaging detector would be used to detect light sources that would electrically stimulate the retina in the shape of the given image(s). From there, the process is fairly natural as the brain receives an image via the optic nerve that it can comprehend. So what differentiates this study from the rest? If successful, the image detectors will have memory chips that could allow for slow motion viewing and instant replays of what humans equipped with the device see, possibly giving a whole new meaning to the phrase "double-take."

    Darren Murph