

  • Pass down these bona fide orcish proverbs to your young Hordelings

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    When Mike Sacco passed down the orcish proverb "Every orc is worth a dozen," my world changed. Never had life been so simple, so distilled down to the real truth. If I wasn't strong enough as one person, I should just be as strong as more people. It was so simple that it just might work -- well, according to an orc. Orcish proverbs straddle the fine line between clever and stupid. Not the bad kind of stupid, mind you; the forehead slap, the solemn head shake, a disappointed sigh are our connotations. Eventually, orcish proverbs began to flow, and the community took part in our Breakfast Topic dedicated to the subject. Here are some pearls of orcish wisdom that you can bring home to your loved ones to teach them a thing or two about hardiness, resolve, and fear.

  • Breakfast Topic: Old orcish proverb says "every orc is worth a dozen"

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    Orcish proverbs -- profound, enlightening, deep. Also, incredibly dumb, when you think about it. Blame Mike Sacco for "Every orc is worth a dozen." That's his brilliance. Can you imagine, a young Thrall being coached by his shamanistic mentors and warriors in camp, a sore loss in the sparing ring. Calm, cool, collected, he hears his teacher speak: "Thrall, remember. Every orc is worth a dozen. Act it!" My personal favorite original orcish proverb is "The axe is the sharpest fist you've got." It's unexpected, absolutely deep, and just dumb enough that Garrosh would say it, like a picture off-center but barely noticeable. I think I really like the imagery. "Luckily, puny human, the axe that I carry is the sharpest fist that I've got!" "What, wha--" Splorch. Slice. What do you guys got for me? Let's hear your orcish proverbs. When you stand in front of Garrosh Hellscream as he instructs you to head to the uncharted island of Pandaria, what will his words of wisdom be?