

  • Insider Trader: Guide to farming cloth

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Cloth is like the gathering profession for everyone. You don't have to pay to pick it up, and there are no skills to level. Because of the sheer number of tailors, the amount of cloth tailoring eats up (not to mention first aid), cloth gathering can be a lucrative pass-time. Failing that, it can provide for your own cloth needs without having to hit the auction house. This week's Insider Trader will be going in-depth into the world of farming for cloth, and tackling the following issues: The best areas to farm the cloth you need. How to alleviate some of the boredom. Ways to make the most out of your farming stints. We will also be covering cloth that can be obtained by even level ones, and not just level 70s, as well as information about what it is used for, and who is going to want it. Linen cloth. (lvl 1-15) Wool cloth. (lvl 14-30) Silk cloth. (lvl 28-40) Mageweave cloth. (lvl 38-50) Runecloth. (lvl 50-62) Netherweave cloth. (lvl 58-70+) Felcloth. (lvl 50-60). Whether your career hinges on stacks of cloth or you're looking to finance your other exploits, you won't want to miss this week's guide.

  • Encrypted Text: The Lazy Alt's ten must-do Outland quests

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    Sometimes, in all the drama of raiding and arenas and new patch days, we forget that not all rogues are 70 and geared out the watoozle. A lot of rogues -- whether they be alts, new players, or just seriously behind the times -- are still struggling through the levels. And with the myriad number of quests out there for levelers, it can be hard sometimes to figure out which ones to focus on. Will skipping this quest leave me out of a fantastic chain quest reward, or just save me hours of searching through fel droppings? So in the spirit of helping our newbie brothers and sisters, Encrypted Text presents the top ten must-do Outland quests for rogues, with their corresponding rewards and tips to help you through them. Note: This only includes non-dungeon quests. Sorry, you'll have to get that Hauberk of Karabor by yourself ... 10. The Trampoline Quests