
  • Tivoli Audio announces PAL+ and Model 10+ clock radios, we go ears-on

    If those clock radios up there look familiar, it's because their maker, Tivoli Audio, has been spitting out pretty much the same thing for the past 11 years. Their innards, at least, have changed with the times, and here at IFA the company is showing two models -- the portable PAL+ and the more stationary Model 10+ -- both of which hinge on support for digital radio. They're each compatible with DAB, DAB+ and DMB, in addition to good 'ol FM, have dual alarms and support five station presets for each band. The main difference is that the PAL+ is weather-resistant and battery-powered, rated to last three and a half hours unplugged. At 1.85 pounds it's still heavy enough that we'd never throw it in a carry-on, but in a world where it cost less or money were no object we might take it to the beach. You could, if you were so inclined, use the included remote to navigate the UI, though there's also a scroll wheel up top -- a neat idea, we thought, until you realize pushing that button in the center to cycle through each and every menu gets annoying fast. As for the audio quality, the speakers are powerful enough that their sound could rise above the din of the show floor, but we could still hear some tinniness coming through. The pair are available now, fetching $299 (£299) and $399 (£399), respectively, which means HD radio or no, these are, still, glorified alarm clocks. %Gallery-132357% %Gallery-132360% %Gallery-132363%

    Dana Wollman