

  • Pirate Baby t-shirt re-ignites our love affair

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    As a service to readers of this blog, we're going to begin reminding you to watch Paul Robertson's frekinetic (yup, just made that word right up) Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle Street Fight 2006 daily. Every morning, you'll get a nice, friendly reminder to watch it NOW and bask in its glee-filled depravity. Not a good idea? Alright, we'll settle for wearing this awesome t-shirt. Sure, they're a little pricey -- alright, they're really pricey -- but you'll be part of an elite club of savvy benefactors.If you have no idea what I'm talking about (poor, poor fool) then check out the embedded video after the break ... but I warn you! You'll hunger for the video game counterpart daily. You'll question your faith, stop eating properly, scribble drawings on your walls, and wear this t-shirt, waiting for this little Pinocchio of an animation to become a real boy.