

  • BlackBerry Curve 83XX overtakes iPhone 3G in US smartphone rankings

    The handset might've been surpassed in functionality and looks by its Curve 8900 successor, but nothing's got an edge on the BlackBerry Curve 83XX series in smartphone sales. According to NPD, the handset overtook the erstwhile champ iPhone 3G in the category for the first quarter of 2009, while BlackBerry's own Storm and Pearl handsets took the third and fourth slots, with the T-Mobile G1 rounding out the ranks in fifth place. Overall the smartphone market has grown from 17 percent of handset sales in Q1 2008 to 23 percent in Q1 2009. Compared to the previous quarter, RIM's gained a whopping 15 percent share of the US market -- owning nearly half of the entire scene -- while Apple and Palm both dropped 10 percent as they prep for their heroic mid-year launches.

    Paul Miller
  • T-Mobile UK rolling out annual data plan for BlackBerry

    We can think of a wide variety of BlackBerrys we'd rather have, but let's take a good, hard look at what T-Mobile UK is proposing here: basically, it wants you to shell out £179.99 (about $265), and in exchange, you get the venerable BlackBerry Pearl 8110 plus a full year of unlimited email and web access. That works out to something like $22 a month for unlimited on-device data -- and on top of that, you'll be paying as you go for voice minutes, texts, and MMS messages. Not a terrible deal by any stretch, but we'd characterize this one less as blowout pricing and more as creative deal packaging. Oh, and we'll take a Curve 8900 with that, T-Mobile, thankyouverymuch.

    Chris Ziegler
  • Alltel pulls BlackBerry Pearl 8230 into the fold, $79.99 in early May

    Here we thought that Verizon was going to ace out the US CDMA market by announcing the 8230 first, but alas, it ends up being Alltel -- the divested chunks of it post-acquisition -- that becomes the first American carrier to trumpet the device. Unlike its GSM sibling over on T-Mobile, the 8230 is a 3G handset equipped with EV-DO, but otherwise, it looks pretty much the same with a QVGA primary display, love-it-or-hate-it SureType keypad, and 2 megapixel cam. It'll hit the "new" Alltel's 2.2 million subscribers in 91 markets come early May for a seemingly reasonable $79.99.

    Chris Ziegler
  • BlackBerry Pearl 8230 comes to Telus

    Alright, Telus, you can dial down the that envy-induced shade of green you've developed while pining for Bell's BlackBerry 8230. Actually, you can't -- green is a part of your color scheme -- so allows us to rephrase: the Pearl Flip is now available on both CDMA nationals in Canada. It'll run you $49.99 CAD on a three-year deal, which delivers the promise of the $50 KickStart we'd hoped for before the GSM version was originally announced; it's just a damn shame it's going to take a three-year contract to get down to that level (of course, the $449.99 contract-free option is always available, too). Grab it now in your choice of black or pink. [Via Howard Chui]

    Chris Ziegler
  • Telus' BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8230 appears on site, launch imminent

    So with Bell's 8230 launch out of the way, Telus has now stepped up and dropped this set on the web. While it's not talking specifics just yet, seeing the flippy thing heralded as "coming soon" should at least whet a few fan's appetites. We had heard the set's price was originally set at $99 on a three year, but Telus may have spiked that in favor of a more reasonable $50 or $449 off-contract price. While we wait for the official news out of Telus, feel free to peruse the tiny gallery we've cobbled together or hit the read link to learn a little bit more.[Thanks, RileyFreeman]%Gallery-46911%

    Sean Cooper
  • Telus' BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8230 gets a plan and pricing, rumor-style

    Our friend (and oft correct) RileyFreeman over at HowardForums tipped us off that Telus' BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8230 is pimping and pruning its pricing prior to launch. Word has it that this flippy debutante will be priced at $100 on a 3-year contract, and $500 completely off-contract. Other info mentions that Telus has prepped a special plan just for this pink or black set, running at $32.50 it'll include 200 minutes, evenings and weekends after 6 P.M, 3 months free local calling, and unlimited mail and instant messaging. Of course, with Bell's launch of the same set at $29 on a three-year today -- and competition with its own BlackBerry Curve 8830 at the same price point -- we suspect Telus may want to rethink a tad -- if indeed, this proves true -- before they open the floodgates wide.[Thanks, RileyFreeman and agent_whitevan]

    Sean Cooper
  • BlackBerry Pearl 8230 flips its way into the FCC's heart

    In the unlikely event that you needed a few final shreds of evidence to be convinced that the CDMA version of the BlackBerry Pearl flip -- the 8230 -- is real, feast your eyes on this heavy reading. Just-approved FCC documents show a device outline that can only be described as that of a clamshell, and sure enough, the SAR report indicates CDMA and EV-DO on the 850 and 1900MHz bands, so yeah, if this isn't the 8230, we can't imagine what it'd be. The timing on this development really couldn't be any better since we're expecting it to hit both Verizon and Telus in the near term, so quick show of hands: who's buying?

    Chris Ziegler
  • Best Buy spills beans on Telus' BlackBerry Pearl 8230

    So, is the BlackBerry Pearl 8230 headed to Telus this month after all? Yeah, maybe. Best Buy's gone ahead and revealed a product page for the Telus-branded, CDMA-packing version of the Pearl flip, though you can't buy it online -- and until we hear otherwise, we're going to go ahead and assume that they're still plenty hard to find in stores. Pink or black, your choice, for $499.99 CAD (about $398) off contract.[Via MobileSyrup]

    Chris Ziegler
  • White BlackBerry Pearl Flip spotted on RIM slide

    Up until now, RIM's first flip phone was available in exactly one shade. And in fact, it's still only being offered in the standard hue. But if the slide shown above is any indication of the future, we'd say it's a safe bet that a white BlackBerry Pearl Flip is on the horizon. The shot was taken at a company presentation on BES 5.0, though no suit made any mention the sore thumb. Fingers crossed!

    Darren Murph
  • Verizon's Touch Diamond, Versa, Intrigue, and Pearl 8230 take a family photo

    Aww, isn't that cute? Everyone got together for one last picture before graduation -- that magical time everyone goes their separate ways to retail shelves across the country where they'll be picked up by subscribers and adopted into loving families of their own. Here we've got four hotties that are due on Verizon in the next few months: the Touch Diamond and Versa, both of which we expect by mid-March, the Nokia 7205 Intrigue, which we've expected for over a frigging year now, and the BlackBerry Pearl 8230, which will launch when it damn well feels like it. Nothing particularly amazing about this shot, but we've got to say, the Intrigue looks absolutely stellar -- assuming it actually comes off this good in the flesh.

    Chris Ziegler
  • Verizon tidbits: Versa, Touch Diamond, Pearl 8230, and more

    We've got a handful of juicy morsels coming out of Verizon today -- actually, that sounds a little unpleasant, but you know what we mean -- and we wanted to pass along what we've heard. Follow the break for all the action!

    Chris Ziegler
  • Sprint's BlackBerry 8130 and 8330 get 4.5 update

    For Pearl and Curve 8300 owners, BlackBerry OS 4.5 is something of a holy grail -- awesome, but pretty hard to find because carriers have generally been slow to roll it out. Fortunately, Sprint has graced owners of the 8130 and 8330 with the latest and greatest pre-4.6 goods, and what's more, tipsters are telling us that the latest version enables MMS messages. MMS, really? Reminds us of the year 2004, our road trip to the Canadian Rockies, and a simpler, more innocent time. But we digress; if you've got one of these devices, go kick off the download and get ready to play almost-catch-up to the 4.6-based 8350i, why don't you?[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

    Chris Ziegler
  • BlackBerry 8230 en route to Telus this month?

    That CDMA version of the Pearl 8220 flip we just saw -- the aptly-named 8230 -- might be just a few weeks out from a launch in its native lands. BlackBerryNews has obtained some Mr. Blurrycam-style footage of Telus documentation showing a big ol' "Coming Soon" seal next to the phone, but more importantly, "by the end of February" is apparently being tossed around as a possible window in company meetings. Telus customers, be honest: this, or a CDMA Bold? Both, maybe?[Via MobileSyrup]

    Chris Ziegler
  • BlackBerry Pearl 8230 caught in Verizon garb

    We've been hearing some idle chatter that RIM intends to redo its Pearl 8220 flip in a CDMA flavor any minute now -- and RIM's one of the best manufacturers in the game at spreading its wealth equally between the GSM and CDMA sides of the fence, so an 8230 model seemed like a foregone conclusion from the moment the 8220 was announced. Sure enough, we now have a shot of a Verizon-branded 8230 doing its thing -- not really what Bold hopefuls on Verizon were hoping for, we'd imagine, but a solid consumer-grade offering nonetheless. The fella who posted the shot over on CrackBerry's forums doesn't know what colors will be available at launch, but mentions that he expects it'll be "coming soon." CTIA in April, perhaps?[Via Boy Genius Report]

    Chris Ziegler
  • Orange UK gets pay-as-you-go BlackBerry Pearl 8120

    Orange UK has chosen to Launch RIM's BlackBerry Pearl 8120 as a PAYG number for all the would be messengers out there who prefer to remain sans plan. Price for this exclusive indigo set seems set at £145 (roughly $200) and should be landing in a shop near you in early February. Price of admission -- handset aside -- includes needing to grab an Animal package (Dolphin, Canary, Racoon, or Camel) and taking out a £5 BlackBerry internet service deal as well. Enjoy! At this point, pay-as-you-go is about where this set should be in terms of its age, you listening, Fido?

    Sean Cooper
  • BlackBerry 8120 filters into Fido outlets, still can't be sold

    Hold tight, Fido fans -- that BlackBerry you've been yearning for is almost here. Just days after hearing that BlackBerry and Fido would be getting together in the Great North, Boy Genius Report is providing a few sneak peeks at what's likely to be the first one available. The only marginally blurry shots clearly show that RIM's Blackberry 8120 is now Fido-branded, though there's practically zero chance for you to buy one even if you happen upon it. Why? Fido's POS machines aren't yet equipped with BB plans, so it looks like you'll have to wait until February 4th or so before exchanging cash for goods. Tough, we know.

    Darren Murph
  • Verizon offloading Pearls for a Jackson

    The age of the ultra-cheap (and non-repulsive) smartphone is officially upon us, and Verizon would like to throw its hat into the ring by offering the BlackBerry Pearl 8130 for the ridiculously low price of $19.99 on contract after $100 mail-in rebate "while supplies last." We'd obviously rather be able to slap down twenty right in the store and take the Pearl home with us, but 'round here, rebates are more the rule than the exception, so we're used to it. Keep it up, Verizon -- maybe Storms for $20 next?[Via Boy Genius Report]

    Chris Ziegler
  • Leaked Rogers slides make us want to move to Canada

    We're not really sure where to begin with this one, because the awesomeness is so thorough and so intense that we're basically at a loss for words; we'll see what we can do here, though. In brief, a HoFo poster has thrown up what appear to be slides from a Rogers event detailing the carrier's release plans for the better part of 2009, and seriously, if you name a badass handset, odds are it's here. Samsung will apparently be bringing the 8.1-megapixel Pixon, for starters, and Sony Ericsson will be throwing its name into the huge-cam hat with the C905. Turning our attention to Windows Mobile, the X1 is scheduled for release "around August if not sooner," Motorola brings the lowly Q11, and HTC adds the Touch Pro, the Touch Viva (an unusual choice considering HTC's intention to send it to emerging markets), and possibly the Touch 3G. Nokia will be offering the 5800 XpressMusic in the middle part of the year, Moto will be bringing a pair of 5-megapixel phones in the VE66 and ZN5, and finally, it seems RIM is signed up to bring the all-GSM 9520 Storm with WiFi -- a feature sorely missing from the Verizon and Vodafone versions -- and a 3G remix of the 8200 Pearl series flip that'll have a front-facing cam for video calling (yeah, no joke, they offer it up there). So look, AT&T, you have two options here: either crib off this presentation and make it happen, or we hope you get bought by Rogers. Your choice.[Via Engadget Spanish]

    Chris Ziegler
  • HKC's Pearl rips a RIM name, an HTC design, and a pair of OSes

    Goodness, we can already tell that China is going to be a frigging goldmine of weird and wild Android hardware for a long, long time to come. First we had the QiGi i6, which boasted compatibility both with Android and WinMo -- and it's looking like this might be a surprisingly common feature for some of these Chinese devices now that we have another doing the same thing. The HKC Pearl looks suspiciously like a first-gen HTC Touch -- and nothing like its namesake, may we add -- working with a 2.8-inch QVGA display, 256MB of ROM, 128MB of RAM, WiFi, and a 2-megapixel cam to back up its Google- and Microsoft-provided loads. As with the QiGi, the odds of seeing this one outside Asia are slim at best, but hey, at least our colleagues at Engadget Chinese have scored a hands-on to satisfy our collective curiosities.Read - HKC Pearl announcementRead - Android mode hands-onRead - WinMo mode hands-on

    Chris Ziegler
  • Viettel, Alcatel-Lucent and RIM bring BlackBerry solution to Vietnam

    It's a good week internationally for BlackBerry lovers. First we hear that South Korea finally has unbridled access and its own Bold to toy with, and now we're hearing a similar story for the people of Vietnam. Viettel (a mobile operator in the country), Alcatel-Lucent and RIM have all joined hands to make it happen, with "it" being the launch of BlackBerry wireless service. Speaking of launch, prospective buyers can look forward to wrapping their palms around the Pearl 8100, BlackBerry 8700 or the Curve 8320 initially, though we wouldn't be surprised to see even more flavors roll out soon. There's no talk of price just yet, but feel free to phone up your nearest Viettel shop and see what's up.[Image courtesy of thugian]

    Darren Murph