

  • New EQII video shows off epic weapons close up

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    A new video at EQ2Players gives us a little taste of what's to come now that GU42 is out, and 24 epic weapons (one for each class) are available in EverQuest II. In the minute-and-a-half clip we are introduced to a few of these weapons in the flesh, find out their names, and get to bask in their shiny effects and see the moving parts.The first close-up is of the Templar epic weapon, called " The Impact of the Sacrosanct". This one looks like a gyrating mallet, with a twirly yellow effect surrounding each end. Next in the video is the Warlock epic, "Death's Grip", which is a short blade that has a glowing and moving disc built into its middle. This is followed by the "Sedition", the Shadowknight's new toy, and it is predictably a big badass sword that gives off a strong red glow. Finally we're treated to the Inquisitor epic, "Penitent's Absolution", which we featured before Game Update 42 was out in the epic weapon concept art gallery., but seeing it moving is on a whole other level.The hunt is on for these, as well as the other 20 epic weapons for all the other classes, and it surely won't be too long until we bring you stories and pictures of them in the wild.