

  • T-Mobile G2 gets its turn for Gingerbread, OTA rolling out now

    The T-Mobile G2x was the attention-hoarder this week by getting Gingerbread, but where's the love for its older brother? After all, the G2 seemed to be left for dead as HTC's promise of a Q2 refresh was broken with nary a peep from the manufacturer. No need to feel nervous any longer, folks, as Android 2.3 is now rolling out as an OTA download. In addition to Gingerbread, the listed update will include WiFi improvements, SMS and email notification enhancements, Google Books, and a few cosmetic UI changes. The rollout process will run its course over the coming weeks, so you'll need to exercise just a wee bit more patience here. At least the G2 isn't falling into the depths of obsolescence yet; but for future reference, T-Mobile, please text us when you're running a bit late.

    Brad Molen