

  • Parody tweeter 'PeterMolydeux' once applied for work at Lionhead

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    You are following @petermolydeux on Twitter, right? The always pondering parody of the eminent game developer (that imagines things like a "racing game where you only have 2 speeds," or "a creature who can only eat bullets for survival") is one of our favorite characters on the service -- and it only allows 140, remember? Kotaku AU has a lengthy interview with the anonymous Tweeter in question, and though we didn't get the question of who he actually is answered, we get a lot of other interesting information. Apparently, the person behind the account is a real game developer, doesn't always agree with Molydeux's snobby dislike of popular titles, and has recently moved out into pitching his crazy game ideas with full videos and documents rather than just his tweets. Interviewer Katie Williams' website has a few more tidbits from the interview, including the fact that Peter Molydeux once applied to Lionhead Studios. He didn't get the job. He also hints that there may be another parody character on the way: an indie game dev who's "just been fired from a big-name developer, and is declaring war on them by aiming to create the greatest indie game of all time, all within one year." Considering that one of Molydeux's kooky game ideas is being made into a real game, we'd love to hear what that new guy has in store for us.