

  • Jon Fingas/Engadget

    AccuWeather will give you places to go based on the weather

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Place recommendations don't tend to take the weather into account. You don't really want to visit the park when it's pouring outside, do you? AccuWeather certainly doesn't think so -- it's partnering with Foursquare on a "hyper-local" recommendation system in MinuteCast that takes the conditions into account when pointing you to new destinations. It'll suggest the beach or the pool on a hot day, or point you to a nearby coffee shop if you want shelter from the rain.

  • AOL

    Foursquare lets other apps use its core location tech

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Foursquare has been willing to offer its place data to outside partners, but it has long kept its location awareness tech, Pilgrim, close to the vest. Now, though, it's opening things up: the company has released a developer kit for Pilgrim, letting other apps take advantage of Foursquare's positional wizardry. The tools help apps determine where you are down to the building level (without even opening the app), and let them act accordingly. A fitness app could plan an exercise routine based on where you ate, for instance, while a location-based game could adapt its experience around your neighborhood or the local store.

  • Breakfast Topic: My Pilgrim's Bounty feast

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    Sound the alarms! The fire is spreading through the Drag! Quickly, you... yes you there -- rally all able-bodied soldiers to the barricades! We are under elemental siege! Wait, what? Where are our heroes in this desperate time of war and destruction? ... Pilgrim's Bounty ... the elementals have already won ... Personally, I am a fan of Pilgrim's Bounty. Whether I am a fan of the holiday while the world roils in upheaval and churns in turmoil is another story entirely. Mostly, I enjoy cooking, and Pilgrim's Bounty is a cook's dream holiday, especially if you have a Chef's Hat. All this food got me thinking about food, however. Personally, every time those damned candied potatoes show up I get seriously hungry for some good potatoes. At my Pilgrim's Bounty feast, there will be so many potatoes. How about you? Which Pilgrim's Bounty foodstuffs will grace your table this holiday? Which of the holiday recipes are your favorites to cook and why? Also, bonus question: How many of you got Chef de Cuisine after learning the Pilgrim's Bounty recipes?

  • The OverAchiever: Guide to Pilgrim's Bounty 2010

    Allison Robert
    Allison Robert

    Every Thursday, The Overachiever shows you how to work toward those sweet achievement points. Today, we're running a special holiday guide for all those interested in stuffing themselves on turkey. The Pilgrim's Bounty holiday was introduced to World of Warcraft just last year, so it's still fairly new. This year, the event will run from Sunday, November 21st through Saturday, November 27th. On my EST server, the start and end times on both dates will be 4:00 am, but you'll want to check the times on your own realm. Pilgrim's Bounty is not part of the yearlong meta What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been. That's not to say that the holiday's without its share of rewards, though; doing the Pilgrim meta will grant both the Pilgrim title and the plump turkey pet. However, the holiday has an unbeatable side benefit; it's the fastest, easiest, and cheapest way to level cooking to 350. Pilgrim's Bounty is tailor-made for anyone who needs to level cooking on a bunch of alts, or anyone who never got around to doing it on his/her main. Pilgrim's Bounty hasn't appeared at any point on WoW's PTR or beta since last year, so we're assuming for the moment that the holiday hasn't changed from its 2009 incarnation beyond a few bug fixes (that and the developers are probably working at breakneck speed on Cataclysm still). I've updated and clarified our 2009 guide past the cut, and will also be around as the event goes live to ensure all the information here is accurate.

  • Breakfast Topic: Did you meet your Pilgrims Bounty goals?

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    Thanks to an obliging (and naked) dwarf rogue in Dalaran, I was able to obtain my Pilgrim title without much trouble. Well, trying to get the Turkinator on the first day was definitely "much trouble", but waiting a few days for Tirisfal Glades to empty out proved to be the less frustrating course. For my alts, I was happy just leveling my cooking on the cheap... and getting a level here and there. Pilgrim's Bounty was a great opportunity for easily working on what I consider a necessary secondary profession. This first instance of Blizzard's version of the U.S.'s Thanksgiving Day holiday didn't have any bosses with fun loot, and wasn't included as part of the meta, but it was casual fun without much time expended. And I am very fond of my suicidal turkey, though disappointed he didn't try to hook up with the Lonely Turkey. Were you able to do all you wanted to in this holiday? Did you enjoy it or is there something you wish they would change for next year?

  • Pilgrim's Bounty ends today

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    Pilgrim's Bounty ends tonight at 1 minute before midnight, server time. That means today is the last day to do the following: Get really frustrated fighting people for wild turkeys. Hit people in the head with cranberries. Crash the opposing faction's dinner parties. Coerce a druid for a chance at the Raven Lord while wearing Puritan attire. Go from 0 to 350+ in Cooking quickly, easily, cheaply. Even if you aren't interested in chasing turkeys and looking like a Mayflower reject, I highly recommend taking advantage of leveling Cooking. To get the Winter Veil Gourmet during the Feast of Winter Veil, you'll need 325 cooking. And of course there are all of those yummy food buffs. For a complete list of Pilgrim's Bounty achievements, please see our OverAchiever Guide. Have fun with your last minute, food-related fun!

  • Reminder: It came from the Blog Pilgrim Party tonight

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    You are cordially invited to party like a Pilgrim tonight with It came from the Blog! Here are the details: When: 11pm EST (8pm PST, 9pm Server time) Wednesday, November 25th Where: Meet at the Ruins of Lordaeron (Undercity) on Zangarmarsh (U.S.) Who: Any Horde character of any level. No mounts required. How: Ask Robinator, Robinella, Robiness or any It came from the Blog Lurker or above for an invite to the guild. What: We will be gaining some Pilgrim's Bounty Achievements: Food Fight!, Sharing is Caring and Pilgrim's Paunch. Robinator will be providing ports to each city (as long as I don't just port myself like I did the other night), so there will be no need for mounts or flightpaths. We may have a few WoW.com bloggers join us for the fun and we also may (no guarantees) give out some loot codes. Regardless, we should have a good time filling up the tables and throwing food at each other while spamming up guildchat with Achievements. If you have any questions about our guild, please see our FAQ. Hope to see you there!

  • It came from the Blog: Party like a Pilgrim

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    According to my sources, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. is the biggest drinking night of the year. I don't know if that's true, but if it is, that means the roads are more dangerous. So, in the interest of your safety, we are having an It came from the Blog Pilgrim Party that night. Ok, that's not the real reason. We are actually having the party at that time so that we will all still have time to get the Pilgrim title on our It came from the Blog characters before the event ends on Saturday -- if we so choose. Here are the particulars: When: 11pm EST (8pm PST, 9pm Server time) Wednesday, November 25th Where: Meet at the Ruins of Lordaeron (Undercity) on Zangarmarsh (U.S.) Who: Any Horde character of any level. No mounts required. How: Ask Robinator, Robinella, Robiness or any It came from the Blog Lurker or above for an invite to the guild. What: We will be gaining some Pilgrim's Bounty Achievements: Food Fight!, Sharing is Caring and Pilgrim's Paunch. There will probably be some cooking Achievements after the event as well. We will not, under any circumstances, be doing The Turkinator Achievement as that would be counterproductive with a large party. Speaking of inators, I have recently transferred my mage to Zangarmarsh and named her Robinator. She will provide portals for all to make the bouncing from city to city much easier. If you have any of the normal questions, like why Horde (coin toss), see the It came from the Blog FAQ. Please join us! Update: We may even be giving out some loot codes. Possibly. Perhaps. ... I hope.

  • Breakfast Topic: Pilgrim's Bounty and you

    Allison Robert
    Allison Robert

    Pilgrim's Bounty, WoW's brand-new holiday, has gone live on all servers by now, and players worldwide are busy inhaling huge quantities of cranberries and stuffing in pursuit of the Pilgrim title and the uber-adorable turkey pet. I have to admit -- I was kind of worried that the first day of the holiday would be a nightmare along the lines of Noblegarden's egg-camping hell, but was pleasantly surprised by the fast respawn rate of the Wild Turkey mobs and the sheer number of them. I'm also optimistic that the holiday will encourage more people to level cooking, because once you're got the requisite cooking skill for the achievements, the Pilgrim title and turkey pet are fast, easy, and fun (or they would be, if I could just find the ever-elusive Dwarf rogue). But Pilgrim's Bounty isn't part of the meta-achievement What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been, so I'm wondering if anyone's just going to ignore it as a result. Are you planning on going for the Pilgrim title, enjoying the holiday in a more casual way, or not planning to participate at all? If you are participating in the holiday, how is it going on your server so far?

  • New information found in patch 3.2 achievements

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    The first patch 3.2 PTR client is now available for download, which means it's available for datamining. The ever-resourceful people at wirebrain have done just this to all the achievements found in the client, and have unearthed some interesting new details. We are unable to verify this information right now, but here's what they've found. Read on after the cut for: A new holiday. The names of the bosses in the new raid and 5-man dungeon, and their related achievements. A new Vault of Archavon boss. To be clear, there will be spoilers.