

  • Player review offers in-depth look at ArcheAge

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    What's the next best thing to getting your hands on ArcheAge and checking everything out for yourself? Getting ahold of someone who is in playing the game and picking his or her brains about the experience! Well thanks to the efforts of a current player and community member who compiled a fairly hefty review, you can do just that. Although a self-professed non-expert, KeksX's review covers the gamut of systems, from ships and vehicles to housing to PvP to the economy to the UI... and the list goes on. KeksX also offers plenty of screenshots to demonstrate the visuals of the world, including the one seen above, as well as videos. In another post, the same reviewer offers a translation of the comparisons between the Japanese and the Korean versions of ArcheAge, noting that the Japanese version made quite a few modifications. If you've got a hankering for more details about this upcoming sandbox and a good chunk of time, settle in and check these posts out. [Thanks to Dengar for the tips!]