

  • Forochel a Point of Interest just ahead of Book 13

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    The Lord of the Rings Online website has a new "Point of Interest", and we're treated to a look at the unreleased area of Forochel, due in Book 13. As this region was not heavily fleshed out by Tolkien, the designers at Turbine had a lot of freedom in creating it. Although it's undoubtedly very cold in Forochel, we learn that it is still home to many animals, and the Lossoth faction of Men who live off of some of this wildlife. We're also told a bit about Arvedui (seen in a few of the Book 13 screenshots) and his mysterious past -- he'll definitely be worth keeping an eye out for. Perhaps he will play a part in the continuation of the epic quest line?

  • LotRO spotlight on the Vale of Thrain

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    A new Lord of the Rings Online lorebook entry has been posted to the game's website, with the focus being the Vale of Thrain. The Vale of Thrain is found in Ered Luin, south of Thorin's Gate, and is a low level area that is situated near both the Elf and Dwarf starting locations. Two quest hubs can be found in the area: Nogrond, a way-point, and Gondamon, a fortress down at the southern end of the Vale.The Dourhand Dwarves and goblins that inhabit the area have hindered trading efforts along the central road, and there are opportunities for an enterprising adventurer to assist the locals with this problem. Visit the lorebook entry to find out more about the area and see a couple more screenshots.