

  • Postcards from WildStar: See you, space cowboy

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    Welcome to Postcards from WildStar, a look at Carbine's new MMO. This is our final set of impressions, so be sure to check up on our previous postcards, and we hope you enjoyed the series! Well, here we are, friends. End of the Postcards from WildStar line. You've met my purple-haired, green-eyed defender of the forest, and tagged along as she fought her way through Dominion foes and savage beasts. You've been welcomed into her home and watched in horror as she died – often – in WildStar's PvP. Though to be fair, the "horror" part might just have been me. (I'm not very good at PvP!) MMOs are monstrous beasts and massive undertakings. They require a significant time commitment and sometimes month-to-month monetary compensation. The goal with these postcards has been not to give a finalized review, but to offer thoughts and impressions on the many aspects of Carbine's entry in the genre. Having poked and probed around for nearly two months now, I'm ready to wrap things up and give a summary conclusion. Read on to see where I place WildStar in the annals of MMO history.

  • Postcards from WildStar: Come at me, bro

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    Welcome to Postcards from WildStar, a look at Carbine's new MMO. Catch up on our previous postcards, and stay tuned for our final postcard next week. Another week, another Postcard from WildStar. But I've got to confess, friends: The hiking boots are starting to wear thin, and we've covered my impressions of most of the game's many systems. First, I introduced you to my Aurin Esper Settler – or in layman's terms, my furry, psychic, summer camp counselor. Next, we talked about the game's stat system, revealing an intricate, sometimes confusing, set of rules that govern how characters are strengthened. I also gave my impressions of WildStar's combat, saying that I found myself excited as enemies showed off new and more complex attacks via the game's telegraph system. After taking a break from the grind of quests and combat, I kicked up my feet and relaxed a bit with my home and floating crystal gardens. So what's left? You are. This postcard, we go head-to-head as I check out WildStar's PvP. En garde!

  • Postcards from WildStar: I'm a level 50 interior designer

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    Welcome to Postcards from WildStar, a look at Carbine's new MMO. Catch up on our previous postcards, and stay tuned for more in the coming weeks. Welcome again space adventurers, to another installment of Postcards from WildStar, where I dissect Carbine Studios' new MMO and discuss all the gooey bits I find inside. In our first postcard, you met Shas, the purple-haired bunnygirl and telekinetic warrior I chose to represent me on the colorful planet Nexus. In our second postcard, I talked about how she fights off the land's dangerous flora, fauna and Dominion faction foes. Today, you'll see where she lives and find out how she's earning a living out on the frontier fringes of space. Wipe your feet on the welcome mat and make yourselves at home, because in today's postcard, we're talking housing.

  • Postcards from WildStar: There's a reason I failed stats class

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    Welcome to Postcards from WildStar, a look at Carbine's new MMO. Catch up on our previous postcards, and stay tuned for more in the coming weeks. Hello my spacefaring comrades, and greetings once more from the planet Nexus. Welcome to the second installment of Postcards from WildStar, a short series that explores several aspects and impressions of Carbine's new MMO. Last week, we talked about character creation, classes and Paths. This week, we descend to the planet's surface to get a feel for gameplay and dissect what makes WildStar different. Shall we?

  • Postcards from WildStar: character creation checklist

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    Welcome to Postcards from WildStar, a look at Carbine's new MMO. Stay tuned for more entries in the coming weeks. Like my fellow postcard-sender and Joystiq contributor Sinan Kubba, I've been an MMO player for many moons. I lost myself to Star Wars Galaxies in high school, and to this day, I consider it – well, the state it existed in before the Combat Upgrade and New Game Enhancement patches drastically altered it – my favorite game of all time. It did things differently, and I'm a fan of different. Thus, it was with keen interest that I watched the development of WildStar, an MMO from Carbine Studios and NCsoft that professed it wouldn't be the same old, same old. The game has been out since June 3, and I've been tinkering around inside this colorful blend of sci-fi and fantasy since. Now that E3 is over and I've had more time to play, it's time I share some impressions.