prescription glasses


  • North

    North chops $400 from the price of its Focals smart glasses

    Nathan Ingraham
    Nathan Ingraham

    The jury is still out on just how useful the recently-released Focals "smart glasses" are, but if you're the kind of person who's wanted to give head-mounted AR a shot, they at least are now a lot cheaper. Focals creator North just announced a big price cut: the glasses now cost $599, down from the $999 the company was originally asking.

  • Daily Roundup: prescription frames for Google Glass, Pebble Steel review and more!

    Andy Bowen
    Andy Bowen

    You might say the day is never really done in consumer technology news. Your workday, however, hopefully draws to a close at some point. This is the Daily Roundup on Engadget, a quick peek back at the top headlines for the past 24 hours -- all handpicked by the editors here at the site. Click on through the break, and enjoy.