

  • Returning WAR classes detailed in newest production podcasts

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    In this month's newsletter we get not one, but two production podcast videos from Mythic that discuss the Black Guard and Knight of the Blazing Sun careers. The downside is that they're not really the same type of animation-infused productions we've seen in the past. We're sure it's because everyone at Mythic is either working diligently on upcoming patches or taking a much needed break after launch. Either way, the videos do go into more detail about the returning tank classes than any of the recent text we've seen on the official Warhammer Online website. So if you're looking to learn more about things like mastery paths and how Paul Barnett interprets the classes, you should definitely give the videos a look.We're looking forward to both the event and addition of two more tank careers to Warhammer Online. You can never have enough meat shields, after all.

  • Josh Drescher explains WAR's living guilds

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    This month we get a look into one of the many cool aspects of Warhammer Online: living guilds. This important Warhammer Online feature is explained by the dreamy Josh Drescher (that's right we said dreamy, just look at those honest eyes) who yet again explains the system in such a way that we cannot help but woo over him -- we mean it, the system.Anyhow, living guilds are EA Mythic's response to the many different problems with running a guild in MMOs. Everything from the complexity of running a website -- which you don't need with the bevy of features WAR's living guild system offers -- to giving players a powerful reason to join guilds and participate with other guild members in the first place. Did we need yet another reason to be extremely excited for Warhammer Online? No, but it really doesn't hurt to have more of them.

  • Warhammer Online's voice over video

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Well it has finally happened folks, now that Electronic Arts as absorbed Mythic we're finally seeing the horrendous outcome. Indeed, Warhammer Online is going to feature professional voice overs for all of its inhabitants because of the EA acquisition -- terrifying!All right, we were having a laugh, but you can't blame us for indulging. This month's production podcast features lots of professionally paid voice actors saying all sorts of weird High Elf lines in a sound room. There's also an Extras reference as well as some screaming at the very end of the video. After hearing these actors deliver some of the lines in the podcast, we're happy to say the voice work in WAR is going to be quite good.