

  • CCP responds to EVE Online favoritism scandal

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    It's never wise to kick a hornet's nest, and there is perhaps no hornet's nest in the world of MMOs that is as prone to swarm and sting as that of the EVE Online community. EVE players have been up in arms over allegations that CCP, the studio behind EVE, showed favoritism to SOMER.Blink, a third-party lottery site, by providing its employees with exceptionally rare Ishukone Watch Scorpions (fancy ships), as a reward for the site's continued contribution to the EVE community. After a few days of fan caterwauling, CCP has issued a lengthy and detailed response built to clarify what happened, why it happened, and what it means. First, CCP explained that the Ishukone Watch Scorpion is a promotional item with no value beyond that which is created by its rarity. The studio also noted that only 132 ships exist, all of which were handed out by CCP to community contributors. CCP explained that giving away the ships to fansites and contributors was meant to be a continued initiative but is now on hold.

  • Blizzard offering free Alliance and Horde Xbox Avatar shirts

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    In preparation for Mists of Pandaria, why not show your Alliance or Horde pride on your other gaming systems? While World of Warcraft may not be available for consoles, you can still show your love for the game. Blizzard is offering Xbox Live players a free shirt for their Xbox Live Avatars. To claim your free shirt, simply log into Xbox live, click on the Mists of Pandaria advertisement and watch the trailer. Once it's finished, you can click on the "Free Avatar Gear" button to pick the shirt of your choice. Ads on the Xbox Live dashboard are usually random, but the Mists of Pandaria ad will be available on the Home screen all day today. An alert reader pointed out that if you can't make up your mind between shirts, you can press B to go back and get the other shirt, so you can have both in your collection. Don't waste any time, though -- the promotion ends October 6, 2012.

  • Mountain Dew Warbot pet and War Fuel now available for purchase in-game

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    If you're looking to shore up your collection of pets in preparation for the battle pet system coming in Mists of Pandaria, we've got good news for you. Toy vendors around the world are now selling the Warbot Ignition Key, as well as Blue and Red War Fuel for the robot. While there was a schematic datamined for the Warbot, it appears that it was decided to just make this an item found on any of the assorted toy vendors around Azeroth. The Warbot and its assorted fuels were originally part of a U.S.-only Mountain Dew Game Fuel promotion back in 2009. For those wondering what the heck the fuel is for, you can load your robot up with either Horde red or Alliance blue fuel, and Warbots that have opposing colors of fuel will battle each other when in proximity. It was a fun promotion, but the lack of availability for anyone not in the United States was a bummer, so it's nice to see the Warbot available to all at last. To purchase your Warbot, just head to any toy vendor. The Warbot costs 500g, but it is affected by reputation; exalted reputation cuts the price down to a slightly more affordable 350g. As for the War Fuels, you can pick whichever color you like, regardless of what faction you happen to be on. Happy battling!

  • Ace Attorney orchestra awesomeness meets Gyakuten Kenji trailer

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    The Ace Attorney series is dear to our hearts, so when any information crosses the intertubes regarding Capcom's lawyering games, we foam at the mouth like rabid raccoons. Today's tidings regard both the Gyakuten Meets Orchestra concert, which took place in Tokyo, and the upcoming spin-off title starring Miles Edgeworth. As much as we love Gyakuten Saiban and its music, we obviously weren't able to able to drag ourselves to Japan for what we're sure was an awesome concert. From what we understand, though, the CDs that you see so deliciously stacked in the video above will be made available for purchase on July 16th. Do want. Also in the video (around the 4:00 minute mark) is a trailer for Edgeworth's game, called Gyakuten Kenji in case you haven't been keeping up (for shame!). The trailer is mostly just moving versions of screens we've already seen, but it also features a new character that will be showing up Check after the break to see some promotional photos for Gyakuten Kenji, some artwork from the event (want!), and some Gyakuten Saiban swag, including an orchestra-themed tumbler (want want!) and even Snackoos (want want want!). %Gallery-20451%

  • You can't get fit without fit socks

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    Isn't Nintendo just so thoughtful? They're always looking out for gamers, especially the ones that review their products. That's why they've sent out these official Wii Fit socks as a promotional item along with the game, protecting reviewers from others' Balance Board-infecting foot fungi. I'm sure the people who got this promotional extra were happy to have a defense against diseases like athlete's foot aside from, uh, wearing their own socks.It's a shame that these bad boys aren't for sale, though. Now, you won't get to be the cool totally geeky kid on the block who owns his or her own pair of Wii Fit socks.[Via Gemaga]