

  • PAX East: Concerts, exhibitors announced

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    PAX East has finally announced its concerts and exhibitor line-up -- not that people seemed to need a reason to show up in droves. Musical performances include PAX favorites like Jonathan Coulton, Anamanaguchi and MC Frontalot. Major publishers attending the show include EA, Ubisoft, Microsoft and Nintendo. Local studios Harmonix and Turbine will be there, along with indie darlings The Behemoth and Twisted Pixel Games. The show will sell out shortly, so if you're planning on attending, now (like, right now) is the time to get registered. PAX East is shaping up to be a surprise break-out show, with several video game publishers recognizing the potential. The announced list of musical acts and exhibitors can be found after the break.