

  • New All Points Bulletin community Q&A focuses on customization and grouping

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    If you're anything like us, All Points Bulletin is an MMO you're quite looking forward to playing and any information on the game is like the sweet nectar of life. That's why we'd like to point you towards this great community Q&A over on APB Evolved, a fansite easily worth checking out if you're interested in Realtime Worlds' crime-based MMO. The Q&A is brief and informative, covering topics like customization beyond character creation, group missions, raids and even whether or not All Points Bulletin has melee combat. You might find yourself surprised by the answer to that last one -- we know that we were. Keep on the lookout for more of these Q&As, as they're planned to be weekly.

  • Space combat! Star Trek Online community Q&A answers

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    It's a little late due to the impending Thanksgiving day gorging, but we've got your second wave of community answers for space combat in Star Trek Online! As this week lands us on a holiday, we'll be putting up the next post for your third wave of questions on Monday, November 30th. For now, we hope you enjoy the answers given by Al Rivera, senior game designer on Star Trek Online.

  • Space combat! Star Trek Online community Q&A answers, part 2

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    -Drexel-: After we blow up an enemy ship do we have to still deal with the massive explosion of the warp core or is it simply aesthetic? It's a Bridge Officer skill that launches shuttles at a target. If they make it to the target, the boarding party may damage and disable the ship's crew, and systems.