

  • Scientists take first step in ceramic-based quantum computers

    One of the many challenges facing quantum computing is finding a practical material from which to process the quantum information -- the material must not be so exotic such that it becomes too prohibitive and expensive to use for mass calculations. That's why a recently discovered hidden magnetic "quantum order" in ceramic has scientists in such a tizzy. By heating or doping the material with a variety of impurities, scientists from the London Center for Nanotechnology have found a way to propagate magnetic excitations over long chains of atoms in the otherwise magnetically disordered material. Armed then, with the ability to break the chains into independent sub-chains, each with it's own hidden order, scientists have taken the first step towards engineering spin-based quantum states from ceramics. Right, the quantum analogy to those good ol' 1 and 0 state changes used by today's not-so-super computers.[Thanks, Scott S.]

    Thomas Ricker
  • Scientists perform quantum computer simulation on vanilla PC

    We've seen what (little) a quantum computer can do, but a pair of curious scientists flipped the equation around and sent a humdrum PC to do a supercomputer's work. Professor Peter Drummond and Dr. Piotr Deuar were able to "successfully simulate a collision of two laser beams from an atom laser using an everyday desktop computer," which would typically only be attempted on a substantially more powerful machine. Notably, the achievement wasn't entirely without flaw, as the purported randomness in the testing eventually "swamped everything" and forced the simulation to be halted in order to gather any useful data whatsoever. Unfortunately, we're all left to wonder exactly what kind of machine was used to chew through such grueling calculations (Compubeaver, perhaps?), but feel free to throw out your suggestions below. [Via Physorg, image courtesy of ACQAO]

    Darren Murph
  • NEC wires up a quantum circuit

    The quantum computing train keeps rumblin' on as researchers at NEC have managed to develop a "tunable coupler," enabling them to wire up what they're saying is the world's first quantum "circuit." The coupler connects two qubits, quantum bits that can be set to either 1, 0, or "both" (that's where the power of quantum computing lies), but unlike previous coupling attempts, does not significantly shorten the useable lifetime of the qubit. NEC says the microwave-controlled circuit is theoretically capable of scaling up to a system comprising enough qubits to outperform most modern supercomputers, but further development in preserving qubit lifetimes is necessary to make the tech viable. Better hurry up, guys -- D-Wave is already solving Sudoku.

    Nilay Patel
  • Researchers create single-photon server

    Researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics look to be doing their namesake proud, creating a single-photon server that could eventually lead to some significant advancements in quantum computing. The server was created by trapping a single Rubidium atom in a vacuum chamber and applying a laser pulse to it, which caused it to spit out one photon at a time. The key bit, it seems, is that the photons generated are of much higher quality than those derived using other methods, meaning that can essentially be made indistinguishable from one another -- a key requirement for quantum computing. With that considerable feat under their belt, the team, led by Professor Gerhard Rempe, have now set their sights on even less easily understandable experiments, including the case of the deterministic atom-photon and those always problematic atom-atom entanglements.[Via Slashdot]

    Donald Melanson
  • Quantum computer to debut next Tuesday?

    Remember where you were when you heard about Steorn? Us neither. (Yet.) Kind of the same with D-Wave, which, as you may recall, claims to be the first and only "commercial" quantum computing venture; despite a low hanging cloud of skeptical academics, D-Wave is claiming next Tuesday it'll finally debut the first quantum computer: a 16 qubit processor capable of 64,000 simultaneous calculations in quantum space(s). What's a qubit? Why, it's the quantum computer measurement equivalent of a conventional computer's bit (i.e. more (qu)bits = more data and processes), but we're not even going to insult your intelligence by pretending to understand how a many-hundreds qubit quantum computer could supposedly solve more operations than the universe has atoms. We just know that a quantum computer has yet to be built, has the potential to revolutionize the way we understand and use computation -- and with any luck D-Wave's supposed machine will be promptly put to work analyzing weather patterns so we'll know the exact climate this time next year and not buy the wrong things when this year's fall lines come out. That is, if it doesn't open up a black hole, or something.[Via Slashdot]

    Ryan Block
  • Danish scientists achieve advanced quantum teleportation

    As you can imagine, here at Engadget, we love it when science fiction becomes more science and less fiction. With that in mind, we're pleased to pass along the news that Danish scientists at Copenhagen University have made a breakthrough in the wacky world of quantum teleportation by transporting quantum information over a distance of half a meter (1.6 feet). In order to achieve this, Dr. Eugene Polzik and his team shined a strong laser beam into a cloud of room-temperature cesium atoms that shared the same directional spin. As Scientific American reports: "The laser became entangled with the collective spin of the cloud, meaning that the quantum states of laser and gas shared the same amplitude but had opposite phases. The goal was to transfer, or teleport, the quantum state of a second light beam onto the cloud." (It should be noted that this process is more akin to duplication than actual teleportation, i.e. using this method on a human being would result in the formation of a doppelganger and not a magical Star Trek-like movement of matter). To achieve this goal, Polzik and other scientists added a second weaker laser pulse and split the two beams into separate branches in order to measure the difference between the quantum phases; through that measurement the scientists were then able to transfer the information of the spin state of the weak laser to the combination of the cesium atoms and the strong laser, without disturbing the quantum entanglement between the laser and the cesium. Umm, so the short of it is: one small step for a cesium atom, but one giant leap for quantum computing research and the advancement of teleportation theory.[Thanks, Josh H. and Eric M.]Read - ReutersRead - Scientific American

    Cyrus Farivar