quarterly revenues


  • HTC's unaudited Q1 2012 financials: revenue down by 35 percent

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    HTC's unaudited financials have just hit the wires and it looks like the negative trends from last year are continuing. For the first quarter of 2012, revenues are down nearly 35 percent year-on-year, with revenues of 67,790 million Taiwanese dollars (around $2.3 billion) for the period. Operating income was 5,099 million Taiwanese dollars (roughly $173 million) and profits after tax 4,464 million Taiwanese dollars ($151 million). The company must be hoping that this represents the end of the nasty hangover from its previous scatter-gun approach to phone production. Now that it's gone with the sleek and slender One series lineup, we'll see how well the company's about-turn does in the next two quarters.

  • HTC's growth streak is over: quarterly revenue down 2.5 per cent, profits even worse

    Sharif Sakr
    Sharif Sakr

    Difficult times for a company that had grown used to a gleaming record of growth. As predicted after that serious stutter in November sales, HTC's unaudited revenue for Q4 2011 shows a 2.49 percent fall on the same quarter in 2010. Unaudited operating income was just shy of 13 billion Taiwanese dollars (about $430 million), which represents a 22 percent decline on the year before. Prior to this, the company had seen nothing but upward movement after springing out of nowhere a few years ago and delivering us some rather nice handsets, but it looks like competition in the Android sphere (read: Samsung) is starting to make life harder for the Taiwanese manufacturer -- although none of its recent statements betray much in the way of self-reflection.