

  • Guild life pre-Cataclysm: Surviving the end times

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    When I inherited leadership of a successful 25-man raid during The Burning Crusade, I had a steep learning curve. After the first year, I had mastered the fine arts of recruiting, juggling subs, managing raid time, resolving disputes and running a tight ship. Little did I know what awaited us when halfway through our Sunwell Plateau progression, Wrath of the Lich King was announced! Fortunately, my guild was able to weather the storm, and now that we are closing in on Cataclysm, I am much better prepared. Guild masters who haven't experienced the pre-expansion blues may find themselves overwhelmed with the task of keeping their once tight-knit community from turning into a ghost town. Some players may choose the months before an expansion to take an extended vacation from the game. Others may choose to focus on a favorite alt, and still others are chomping at the bit to farm the highest tier of raid content in order to complete their ideal gear sets. No doubt all three types of players are in your guild. How are you expected to funnel everyone's pre-expansion desires and expectations into group-friendly activities that keep them logging on night after night?

  • The Daily Quest: Of podcasts, PvP and Paladin performance

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    As you can see, today's Daily Quest is brought to you by the letter P. Look people, it's the best I got til the PTR comes up. Oops, I just did it again. Phooey! Aiighh! I can't stop! Our very own Matt Low has a word of advice on raid management that applies to just about any situation in the game at World of Matticus. Don't let your guild runs turn into the picture above. Matticus also has a great piece on what guilds are looking for in applications. It goes nicely hand in hand with our own 8 Things Raiding Guilds Want To See From Their Applicants. Flash of Moonfire has a multipart series on Paladin Healing of Naxx-10 Part 1 - The Arachnid Quarter Part 2 - The Plague Quarter Part 3 - The Military Quarter Rawrbitchrawr has their seventh podcast up. In this one they discuss Ulduar, upcoming changes to Hunters, Mages and Warlocks and leveling spec plus ability rotations for Death Knights. Diaries of a Marksman Hunter has posted their first podcast. They gathered many different Hunters to cover a variety of topics. The Holy Light lists their Top 10 Wintergrasp QQs. Armory Musings looks at different ways to weigh the importance of gear and finds an AddOn that fits the needs of his massive ongoing WoW Armory stat project.