

  • Get ready for a Rampage

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Prepare to wave your tiny reptilian arms and munch a few hapless civilians, party people -- the unofficial word is that Midway is going to inject new life into the long-lived Rampage franchise. GameSpot's rumor crew reports that Rampage: Total Destruction is showing up on pre-order lists at CD Universe and GameFly for both the Wii and the DS, and while Midway reps wouldn't officially talk about the game, GameSpot's source "close to the publisher" indicated that an announcement was imminent. Of course, there is one tiny problem. Rampage was fabulous in the arcade. Since hitting the consoles, however, it's been about as exciting as Friday nights at grandma's house. But maybe a little Wiimote action is just what this franchise needs. Get a few friends together, make some popcorn, thrust your grasping fist through the front of the MGM Grand... and here's hoping for throaty, animalistic roars churning through the speaker!