

  • Elders wait for traffic, play Grand Theft Auto 5

    Mike Suszek
    Mike Suszek

    The Fine Brothers offered another React Gaming video, but unlike the youthful ones in the past, this one features senior citizens taking Grand Theft Auto 5 out for a spin. The charming video shows the elderly folks stealing cars, shooting civilians and above all else, obeying traffic signals. Grand Theft Auto 5's PC version will launch on March 24. The channel's previous reaction videos included teens playing Mario Kart 64, commenting on the Game Boy as well as just plain sucking at Mega Man. Another video features Game of Thrones' Maisie Williams discussing the absurdness of Nintendo's NES. Now that The Fine Brothers delved into senior players reacting to video games, we don't know if these videos make us feel overly young or old. [Image: Rockstar Games]

  • Teens playing Mario Kart 64: 'Who designed this?'

    Mike Suszek
    Mike Suszek

    Ready to feel old? The Fine Brothers' latest React Gaming video shows teens playing another classic game, 1996's Mario Kart 64. The ten-minute competition is entertaining through the final close race while taking older players back to simpler times. Among our favorite quotes is one of the test subject's confusion over the Nintendo 64 controller, turning it over while pondering, "Who designed this?" The React Gaming series pairs retro games and consoles with youthful players, putting their bewilderment on display for the benefit of all. Past videos showed teens failing at Mega Man, discussing the size of the Game Boy and the absurdness of the NES, the latter featuring Game of Thrones' Maisie Williams. Younger players may have a greater appreciation for the latest game in Nintendo's racing series, Mario Kart 8, which was one of Joystiq's best games of 2014. [Image: Nintendo]