

  • Stores worried about their DS supply

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    There's always a lot of discussion about what the hot gift to get each holiday season will be, a dubious honor held by toys like Tickle Me Elmo, the PlayStation 2 and Furbies. It seems though that the question this year, last year and at least a few years into the future will be easily answerable with "whatever Nintendo's making." This holiday dominance was highlighted by Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Amie who recently told Reuters, "the DS continues to perform exceptionally well, with some retailers voicing concerns about DS inventory going into the holiday."Reggie doesn't appear to blowing smoke, either. A quick check of a few online retailers showed all or almost all of the portable's SKUs out of stock. This doesn't come as a complete surprise though, as the Reg hinted that things might get tight closer to the Yule. So just consider this an FYI: If you were planning on gifting a DS this holiday season you may want to get on it.

  • Reggie: Wii online games in Q2 2007

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    Nintendo of America president, Reggie Fils-Amie was featured on the most recent episode of GameHead on Spike TV. While most of the episode is the usual Nintendo PR spin, he gives some information about online Wii gaming in the U.S.; expect online, multiplayer games to be announced in the first quarter of 2007 and to ship in the second quarter.The episode is available on the GameHead site (that's the best link we could give you through the non-linkable, to-the-max Flash interface). The show even features Reggie bowling virtually and in a real alley.Q2 still seems like a long time to wait, and our expectations keep rising the longer it takes to deliver a product. Nintendo is already late to the online party; how long will Wii-mail and Mii parades keep us occupied?[Via digg and PALGN]