

  • Deals With Gold: MGS5: Ground Zeroes, Titanfall, Risen

    Earnest Cavalli
    Earnest Cavalli

    Microsoft's weekly Deals With Gold promotion has returned with discounts on Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes, Titanfall and, to celebrate the launch of Risen 3: Titan Lords, the first two entries in Deep Silver's roleplaying franchise. On the Xbox One side of things, both Ground Zeroes and Titanfall have received 50 percent discounts. Ground Zeroes is now available at $15, while Titanfall can be purchased for $25. Titanfall's Expedition DLC has also been discounted to $7. Discounts on Xbox 360 games are more numerous, with a number of Square Enix games receiving a 50 percent discount, including Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. Following the August 12 debut of Risen 3: Titan Lords, both Risen and Risen 2 have had their prices slashed by 75 percent. For a full list of discounts available this week, visit Major Nelson's blog or the Xbox Live Marketplace. All discounts are valid until August 18. Edit: This article initially stated that the Titanfall Expedition DLC was now priced at $10, when it is actually now priced at $7. [Image: Konami]

  • Play: Steam games on the cheap thanks to daily Humble Bundles

    Sharif Sakr
    Sharif Sakr

    Your average Humble Bundle is a fortnightly affair. Starting today, however, there's going to be a fresh bundle every 24 hours for a period of two weeks, which ought to add up to some decent savings for Steam gamers. If you've never partaken in one of these bundles before, then it's pretty simple: You visit the site to see what's on offer, choose how much (or how little) you want to pay for a bundle, decide how much of that money you want to allocate to a charity, and then look on in a contented stupor while the new titles magically weave their way into your Steam library. If you head over there today, you can get all the titles listed after the break for around £6 (although the site shows everything in dollars), or even less if you leave out one of the more mediocre titles, Dead Island: Riptide. (Update: the clock has ticked and the deal has already changed. There's now a new batch of goodies on offer.)