

  • MechWarrior Online invites you to River City

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    It's important to remember that for every shell-shocked city that you're rampaging through with your 40-ton 'Mech, there are families who have lost everything in the destruction. But enough about them -- more pew pew! Welcome to MechWarrior Online's River City, where the fun never stops and the human suffering is drowned out by cheers of "PWNED!" In a new video, Piranha Games shows off the urban battlefield of River City. It's a high-tech metropolis on fire, with hazy smoke and broken highways abounding. In the middle of River City is a fortified building, which is the high ground. Holding this will help players achieve their two objectives: a space port and an industrial port facility. And yes, the narrator actually uses the words "River City" and "ransom" in the same sentence. There's a strange video game crossover going on here. You can visit River City after the jump, but you probably won't want to move there.

  • Teaching kids reality with virtual worlds

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    There seems to be an increased awareness of educational gaming lately, and the positive effect virtual worlds can have on children. For example, we've heard about how gaming can actually improve a child's "mental performance for both verbal and scientific tasks." This is certainly an about-face from what most of us were taught as youngsters playing our Nintendos and Segas.In the latest issue of Science magazine, educators suggest something that we gamers have known for a while: using virtual worlds to stimulate real-world situations in the classroom will actually help students develop useful skills that may aid them later in life or even a future technology-based career. This issue cites many education-based virtual worlds created solely to aid students, such as River City, Alien Contact!, Food Force, Whyville and more. If you have a school-aged child and would like to get them into one of these educational programs, check out this article at Scientific American, or the latest issue of Science magazine for more info.