

  • Anki

    Anki makes its robot way more needy

    Mariella Moon
    Mariella Moon

    Anki's Cozmo robot already seems like it jumped right out of a Pixar movie. Its latest update, however, will make it feel even more like you're taking care of an adorable robotic pet. The newest version of Cozmo's app gives your cute companion three specific needs: Play, Feed and Tune Up. You'll now be able to see on the app if Cozmo is hungry and needs to be fed through his Power Cubes. The fuller it is, the more its likely to exhibit the need to play with you, perform tricks and explore its surroundings. Sometimes, it'll also ask for a tune up to make sure it's in good health.

  • Takara Tomy's Dacky the Healing Partner robotic dog

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    They've already laid claim to "the world's smallest robot" title (sort of) so why not go hog wild and snap up "the world's cutest robot" while they're at it, yeah? 'Cause really, how are you going to get much better than Dacky here, with those big expressive puppy dog eyes and six internal sensors for interacting with his doting human companion? Sure, Dacky has nothing on Pleo for actual robotic complexity, but Dacky can also "learn" up to 650 words in Japanese, after starting off with mere barking. He can ask you about your day, wish you a happy birthday and sing along at karaoke. No word on price, or if Takara Tomy will be shipping this one over to the States, but perhaps we just wouldn't be able to handle this much cute -- it's for our own good.Update: Tomy let us know it's actually "Dacky" not "Ducky". Alright, sure thing.