rockin our sales


  • Microsoft's Vista promo video just a "spoof"

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Turns out Microsoft's unfathomably horrendous Vista SP1 promo video that turned up yesterday was just one great big spoof -- a spoof Redmond apparently had no qualms spending a good bit of dough on rather than just re-dubbing some old video from yesteryear. Nevertheless, a company representative said to be "familiar with the reason behind the production" noted that "they thought folks internally would get a kick out of not taking themselves so seriously all the time, but some people thought that's exactly what they were being -- serious." He continues on to say that this "little piece of art" had "caused quite a few laughs in Microsoft's hallways." Um, yeah -- and here in the outside world we aren't laughing any quieter just knowing this masterpiece of comedy was indeed intended as a joke.[Thanks, Rooshma]

  • Microsoft burns our eyes with Vista promo video

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    It's official, Microsoft knows no shame. We used to think that the Zune tattoo guy was bad for publicity, but now it's clear that the video promo team needs zero outside help in dragging whatever shred of dignity this company has through the mud. Whoever thought up this Bruce Springsteen-defiling "Rockin' Our Sales" piece of garbage to promote the launch of Vista SP1 should be fired instantly and sued for defamation. It's just that good. Video is naturally after the break.[Thanks, Jacob S.]