

  • Massively goes to WAR: An overview of Healing careers for Order

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    If this was any other game, our discussion of the healers of Order would be pretty darn borning. Most MMOs portray healers as nancy boys in dresses or effete tea-sipping high society ladies, content to stand in the back and give a good "here, here!" every once in a while. Sure, they cast a lot of spells and they're always appreciated but ... isn't there something just a bit suspicious about someone who is always in the back row? That's not a complaint you could possibly level against the men and women who heal for Order in Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. These stalwart soldiers of the faith, bastions of runic power, and masters of the arcane arts are front-line fighters all. They might not do as much damage as their DPS comrades, but they're certainly not all 'hanging out' near the back either. Join us for a stroll with the healing heavyweights of Order: The Archmage, The Rune Priest, and the head-cracking Warrior Priest.