

  • Zyxio's 'sensawaft' tech lets you control a cursor with your breath, you lazy jerk

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    We never knew just how much work it was moving our mouse around our desktop until we blew ourself silly on Zyxio's breath-enabled sensawaft tech. The sensor detects the directionality of breathing, which sounds really easy in theory but took a bit of learning in practice. After a couple minutes of trying, however, we were "blowing with our mind" as the promotional materials suggest, and while we wouldn't call ourselves halfway accurate, we could see ourselves suggesting a mild amount of cursor direction with very little effort after a day or so of use. There's an obvious application for the disabled, but Zyxio also thinks it can talk gamers into using it as a "third hand," and envisions other applications such as controlling a mobile phone or zooming in and out of a GPS view in a car. We can't see it taking the industry by storm, but sensawaft is certainly an impressive and entertaining technology, and with devices in the projected $70 range in Q2 or Q3 of this year, it might not be too expensive for a novelty buy. Check out a video of it in action after the break.