sergey brin


  • Sergey Brin: Android and Chrome OS 'will likely converge over time'

    When it comes to nerd obsessions, the only thing that can trump a fictional tablet developed by battling left-coast legends is the promise of a revolutionary OS from Google that relies upon nothing but a browser and the dreams of a young Larry Ellison. Don't even start with your Korean product waifs as we're trying to keep the discussion in the realm of possibilities. Now, with the weekend over, you've probably experienced the same sense of ennui we've all felt at having downloaded and tested a copy of Chrome OS. To be fair, that meh-ness is kind of what you'd expect from a browser-based OS that's meant to get out of your way. Still, it's hard not to wonder where Android and its growing application base fits into Google's long-term OS strategy especially after seeing several ARM-based smartbook prototypes running Google's smartphone OS. Fortunately, Google co-founder Sergey Brin shed some light on this topic in a candid statement following the Chrome OS event. According to CNET, Brin said that Android and the Chrome OS "will likely converge over time," noting the common Webkit and Linux foundation of both operating systems. It's unclear when this might occur however. In fact, listening to Google CEO Eric Schmidt attempt to explain the difference between Google's operating systems in a recent CNET interview leaves us wondering if Google has a clear idea of its target markets as smartphone and laptop functionality continues to converge across devices. Schmidt concedes that it's too early to tell how the OSes will be used and prefers not to "prejudge the success" of each. "The future will unfold as it does," he says, and the open-source community will determine the natural fit. Check the interview after the break -- the Android vs. Chrome OS waffling begins at the 16:30 remaining mark of the 19 minute and 11 second interview. [Original image courtesy of Rich Dellinger]

    Thomas Ricker
  • Live from Google's Chrome OS project announcement

    We're sitting in a very small, very colorful meeting room where Google's just minutes of away from giving us a glimpse at Chrome OS and announcing some launch details. Stay tuned! Update: It's over! Thanks for hanging out with us, and be sure to check out Google's videos in our summary post.

    Ross Miller
  • Google's Schmidt initially opposed to Chrome, says Microsoft is welcome to port Internet Explorer on over

    While Chrome OS is still a pretty rough sketch in our mind's eye, the Google boys have hosted a press conference to answer a few burning questions. Among the myriad revelations, it turns out Eric Schmidt wasn't stoked on building a browser when Sergey Brin and Larry Page brought it up about six years ago, given the fact that Google was still relatively small, and the browser wars were still fresh in everyone's minds. After he saw an early build of Chrome, however, he changed his tune. He says Chrome and Chrome OS are "game-changers," and Larry describes Chrome OS as the "anti-operating system" and indistinguishable from a browser. Luckily, they also hinted at some native development possibility (hopefully) outside of the browser, stating that Microsoft is free to build a version of Internet Explorer for Chrome OS if they'd like, and that it's an open source project. According to Eric: "Even if we had an evil moment, we would be unsuccessful." He also mentioned there were plenty of "commonalities" between Chrome OS and Android, and that the two might grow even closer over time. Interesting. As for his role on Apple board, Eric will be working out with those folks as to when he needs to recuse himself from OS talk like he already does with iPhone talk. Most of the rest of the talk was spent making old person digs at Schmidt, Mr. BlackBerry himself.

    Paul Miller
  • Google honcho Sergey Brin plans first-ever private trip to the ISS

    Google co-founder Sergey Brin is about to join an extremely short list of space tourists, according to reports. The search engine-kingpin just dropped a $5 million dollar "investment" on the company Space Adventures, which all but guarantees him a seat on the outfit's next flight in 2011. The trip aboard the Russian Soyuz rocket will take Brin to the ISS in the first-ever private flight to the station (Ubuntu head Mark Shuttleworth has made the trip, though not on a private mission). The company stresses that the ride will be less about tourism and more about commercial exploration, with passengers bringing aboard experiments and taking part in flight operations. Now the only riddle left to solve is whether the last Cylon is Brin or Bezos.[Via Gear Diary]

    Joshua Topolsky
  • Google hybrid car shares its juice for a price

    Google -- known for its good intentions almost as much as its search engine -- has entered its nonprofit wing into the red-hot science of hybrid vehicles and energy conservation. The company's peace-sign-flashing, tie-dyed-baja-wearing dreamers are working on a number of new technologies including modded solar charged PHEVs with additional battery capacity, which are also wired for swapping energy back to the grid (possibly even earning the vehicle's owner some hard cash in the process). Apparently Google's experimental hybrid can be wirelessly monitored to determine its charge state, and power can be added or drained according to the needs of the power company (and, presumably, the vehicle's owner). No word on whether it has Gmail integration or the ability to let Sergey Brin take control and drive it into the ocean, should he wish to do so.[Via Digg]

    Joshua Topolsky
  • Sergey Brin, solar phone user

    Oh Sergey, those billions are serving you well. You're the first kid on your block to use a solar-powered cellphone, and not some crappy solar charger? Ok, we'd wager his phone isn't entirely solar-powered, but interesting to note that when you're worth as much as this guy, it's pretty easy to save pennies here and there by spending thousands on a phone that runs from the sun's rays. We also forgot what large hands those billions can buy you, too.[Via The Raw Feed]

    Ryan Block