seven wonders


  • The seven wonders of WoW

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    There's a discussion on the official forums trying to decide what the seven wonders of the World of Warcraft might be. While there's a good amount of disagreement (and plenty of meaningless spam) in the thread, many players seem to be chiming in with the similar suggestions.... Dalaran and its magical bubble (Alterac Mountains) The Dark Portal (Blasted Lands) The statue in front of Booty Bay (Stranglethorn Vale) The Twin Colossals (Feralas) Kharazan (Deadwind Pass) The Stonewrought Dam (Loch Modan) The Alter of Storms (Burning Steppes) Agree, disagree, have any alternate suggestions that have been missed? Or perhaps there are more than just seven wonders of Azeroth.