sf bags


  • WaterField serves up Magic Trackpad cases: because your old sock just won't cut it

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Look, we get it -- it'd be fairly easy to slice up the surface of a Magic Trackpad if thrown haphazardly into a bag full of apartment keys, ink pens and syringes, but aren't there more economical ways of protecting your investments than this? Not that we blame WaterField Designs -- who happens to make some of the best cases and sleeves in the industry -- but the Trackpad Slip and the Trackpad Socket are most certainly tailor made for a slaying on "Really? with Seth and Amy." For those who can't find a free padded compartment in their existing briefcase or laptop tote, the Socket is a dead-simple padded pouch, while the Slip is a slim ballistic nylon case with a soft, lightly padded liner and a half dozen trim options. Shipments start today, with pricing set for $12 / $25, respectively. Don't count on getting any support from fellow tree huggers should you skip over your monthly Sierra Club donation in order to get one, though.

  • Kindle bags its first accessories, from WaterField

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    While executives can blow-hard the success of their goods 'til blue in the face, one of the best measurements of market acceptance is the appearance of the third party accessory. Here's the first we've seen: Kindle Cases from WaterField. Starting February 12th you'll have your choice of a $27 slip case, $39 sleeve case, and $49 travel case offering varying degrees of protection unmatched by any dust jacket. Then again, a book doesn't require much protection does it?

  • Winners of our SF Bags giveaway announced

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    We worked our butts off to give you the best TGS coverage of all the Joystiq sites. And, we even decided to reward readers with prizes, just because we're so awesome. Did you win a PSP case from SF Bags? Well, you'll have to read on to find out...