

  • Totem Talk: Finishing out tier 14 on your resto shaman

    Joe Perez
    Joe Perez

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you Totem Talk for elemental, enhancement and restoration shaman. Want to be a sultan of swing healing? A champion of Chain Heal? Totem Talk: Restoration, brought to you by Joe Perez (otherwise known as Lodur from World of Matticus and content creation at InternetDragons.TV), shows you how. I've been getting a lot of email, and pings on twitter, about finishing out tier 14 raiding. While patch 5.2 is coming and the new tier with it, a lot of folks are still working on finishing out tier 14, be it normal or heroic. It's a fair point, the patch is still at least a few weeks away, so focus on the current one while it is still relevant. That doesn't mean though that you can't prepare a little bit for the future while handling the here and now. Getting through the content that is current will net you decent gear and experience that will be valuable going into the next tier of content, especially if you are getting some time in on heroic bosses of tier 14.

  • Totem Talk: A restoration shaman wish list for Mists of Pandaria

    Joe Perez
    Joe Perez

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you Totem Talk for elemental, enhancement and restoration shaman. Want to be a sultan of swing healing? A champion of Chain Heal? Totem Talk: Restoration, brought to you by Joe Perez (otherwise known as Lodur from World of Matticus and cohost of the For the Lore and Raid Warning podcasts), shows you how. Leading up to any expansion, especially before any beta access has gone out, is a great time to start your wish lists -- things you want to see, things you don't want to see and changes that you just might not want to consider as a possibility. We've already have received a sneak peek at the new talents that will grace our classes when the expansion goes live, as well as some changes to the way spells are being distributed. The fact is, though, that what we've seen so far has raised quite a few questions that have yet to have an answer. One of those big questions is what will happen to our beloved Telluric Currents? We're at a point where most restoration shaman can't live without the talent. It's a huge source of our mana regeneration, especially now in Dragon Soul. Also, before we get any further: This week's image is supplied by an up-and-coming artist by the name of Jeanette Dulzo, daughter of one of my raiding priests Galdrea. She hasn't set up a website, but I'm hoping this young artist will keep at it and set one up soon. The full picture of her concept of a female shaman can be seen after the break.

  • Totem Talk: The 3 easiest ways to improve your restoration performance

    Joe Perez
    Joe Perez

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you Totem Talk for elemental, enhancement and restoration shaman. Want to be a sultan of swing healing? A champion of Chain Heal? Totem Talk: Restoration, brought to you by Joe Perez (otherwise known as Lodur from World of Matticus and cohost of the For the Lore and Raid Warning podcasts), shows you how. No matter how good you are at the job you're doing, there's always something more that you can do to make yourself better. Even at the top of your game, most of us are continuously looking for ways to improve our performance -- to squeeze out a little more DPS, to survive a bit longer, to do that much more healing. While you can spend your time poring over logs or upgrading your internet to faster speeds, tweaking your stats or replacing your mouse and keyboard, I like to follow words of wisdom given to me years ago by a musician friend of mine: Sometimes you have to get real simple before you can get real good. To that effect, let's highlight the easy things you can do to improve your healing performance.

  • Totem Talk: How much do resto shaman set bonuses and mastery matter?

    Joe Perez
    Joe Perez

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you Totem Talk for elemental, enhancement and restoration shaman. Want to be a sultan of swing healing? A champion of Chain Heal? Totem Talk: Restoration, brought to you by Joe Perez (otherwise known as Lodur from World of Matticus and co-host of the For the Lore and Raid Warning podcasts), shows you how. For as long as we've been healing, there's always been a pretty solid debate on what the best stats were. Was haste the king of the castle? Was it better to stack spirit and crit? The inclusion of mastery did nothing to help this particular debate and honestly just complicated it a little bit further. Set bonuses from our tier pieces are also something that has been debated. Are they worth it compared to off-set gear? How important is it that I reach my four-piece? The debate continues on throughout Dragon Soul, and as Cataclysm winds down to a close, those choices will have an impact long into the next expansion. In the eternal debate and questions, there are some very simple answers to be had.

  • Totem Talk: Restoration shaman 4.3 loot

    Joe Perez
    Joe Perez

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you Totem Talk for elemental, enhancement and restoration shaman. Want to be a sultan of swing healing? A champion of Chain Heal? Totem Talk: Restoration, brought to you by Joe Perez (otherwise known as Lodur from World of Matticus and co-host of the For the Lore and Raid Warning podcasts), shows you how. A new patch has come and brought with it many new wonders. The final content patch of the Cataclysm expansion has finally gone live, bringing three new dungeons tied intricately with the story of the new raid zone. It's an exciting time for everyone involved as stories come to a close, and there are many new toys to play with like transmogrification and the Raid Finder. One of the greatest things about a new raid tier is the amount of new gear you get to play with. Each tier in Cataclysm has done things a little different with how you obtain your gear, combining valor points and tokens from raid in order to obtain your tier pieces and raid drops with off-set valor gear to fill in your gaps. This tier is no exception to the changing gearing climate, and the number of options is almost staggering.

  • Totem Talk: Restoration healing blues

    Joe Perez
    Joe Perez

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you Totem Talk for elemental, enhancement and restoration shaman. Want to be a sultan of swing healing? A champion of Chain Heal? Totem Talk: Restoration, brought to you by Joe Perez (otherwise known as Lodur from World of Matticus and co-host of the For the Lore and Raid Warning podcasts), shows you how. While the last few articles have been focused on the upcoming patch 4.3, lately there's been a new set of concerns that's popped up regarding healers, mana and restoration shaman abilities. The official forums are a place that is both infinitely scary and amazingly wonderful all at the same time. You're as likely to find the next greatest bit of news as you are the next and most terrible meme. That said, I find myself on them more often than not, digging around for the latest news and concerns from other players or just for a laugh. This past week, though, a thread sprung up about healers going into the future, and our own Matt Low has covered it in his post from an all-healer perspective. The thread has a number of blue responses and many of the answers directly relate to restoration shaman. Over this last week, I've received a number of emails about this thread and thought now would be a good time to go over it and address some concerns.

  • Totem Talk: Cataclysm raiding as a restoration shaman, part 4

    Joe Perez
    Joe Perez

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you Totem Talk for elemental, enhancement and restoration shaman. Want to be a sultan of swing healing? A champion of Chain Heal? Totem Talk: Restoration, brought to you by Joe Perez (otherwise known as Lodur from World of Matticus and co-host of the Raid Warning podcast), shows you how. We took a brief break from boss battles last week to answer some reader questions, but this week, we're right back into the thick of things. Part 1 covered the easy bosses, part 2 let us play with fire and golems, and part 3 was full of hot air and maniac dragon things. This week, we'll dive into the last pieces of Blackwing Descent and The Bastion of Twilight to finish up some loose ends before we take on the final bosses of the tier. So -- a blind dragon, a two-headed hydra thing, and their four friends walk into a mountain ...

  • Totem Talk: Ask a restoration shaman

    Joe Perez
    Joe Perez

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you Totem Talk for elemental, enhancement and restoration shaman. Want to be a sultan of swing healing? A champion of Chain Heal? Totem Talk: Restoration, brought to you by Joe Perez (otherwise known as Lodur from World of Matticus and co-host of the Raid Warning podcast), shows you how. For the last few weeks, we've been covering some of the basics for normal raid healing. Part 1, part 2 and part 3 are already up and running, so feel free to check them out. Next week, we'll start back in with part 4 with some harder and slightly more fun bosses. This week, though, I thought I would take the opportunity to answer some reader emails and questions from Twitter. Not too long ago, we answered some questions about the state of shaman post-patch 4.1, but still more changes are waiting for us in patch 4.2. Whenever there are changes and nerfs looming, there are always questions to be answered!

  • Totem Talk: Cataclysm raiding as a restoration shaman, part 3

    Joe Perez
    Joe Perez

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you Totem Talk for elemental, enhancement and restoration shaman. Want to be a sultan of swing healing? A champion of Chain Heal? Totem Talk: Restoration, brought to you by Joe Perez (otherwise known as Lodur from World of Matticus and co-host of the Raid Warning podcast), shows you how. Last week, we covered a bit of the upcoming changes for restoration in Patch 4.2. There are quite a few changes being brought with the Firelands, some good, some bad, but all of them are working toward giving us a balanced place in the world of Azeroth. But now we are back, and it's time to talk more about raiding! So, with part 1 of Cataclysm raiding, we covered the entry level raiding bosses including Argaloth, to Magmaw and the lost temple reject. In part 2 of cataclysm raiding we covered Halfus Wyrmbreaker and the ambiguously "dragonic" duo. Today, we're going to to turn our sight to the skies -- way, way up to another plane of existence altogether. Our journey will begin with a stop in Skywall.

  • Totem Talk: Cataclysm raiding as a restoration shaman, part 1

    Joe Perez
    Joe Perez

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you Totem Talk for elemental, enhancement and restoration shaman. Want to be a sultan of swing healing? A champion of Chain Heal? Totem Talk: Restoration, brought to you by Joe Perez (otherwise known as Lodur from World of Matticus and co-host of the Raid Warning podcast), shows you how. You've done all your prep work, and the time has come to step into a raid. You've got your gear shined up and ready to go. You've got your gems and enchants in place, and you have chosen your raiding spec and glyphs. You're here to chew bubblegum and down raid bosses ... and you're all out of bubblegum. Now, while you may be prepared to step into the ring and take on Ivan Drago, preparing yourself with some boss knowledge is always good. We're going to start by taking a look at all the bosses in this tier's raiding content in order of what is largely considered to be the standard progression path. I'll talk about them them roughly in order of easiest to hardest difficulty, with emphasis on what you should know as a raiding restoration shaman for these fights.