short-range wireless


  • Bluetooth 4.0 specification gets official, devices expected by Q4 2010

    Outside of Samsung's Wave, we're having a hard time thinking of a meaningful device that has shipped with Bluetooth 3.0 onboard. Kind of crazy when you think about it, being that the protocol offered some pretty promising stuff when it went official in April of 2009. Fast forward to today, and it looks as if the Bluetooth SIG is storming forward regardless, as the Bluetooth 4.0 core specification has now been adopted with "low energy technology" as the standout feature. This step means that companies can begin to work towards integration of BT 4.0 in actual end-user products, and if the SIG has its way, the tech will begin to show up in minuscule devices that haven't been able to take advantage of Bluetooth thus far. In fact, they want this stuff in applications "not even possible or imagined today." Looks like someone better get those imagination gears turning, 'cause Q4 2010 certainly isn't an eternity from now.

    Darren Murph