

  • Defying App Store dogma with the Kevin Smith app

    The question is this: If an application that simulates flatulence is worth 99 cents, is it reasonable to spend the same amount on an app that delivers a full-force, stun-an-elephant dosage of information about one cult actor/director? We're about to find out: here comes the Kevin Smith app [iTunes link], for everything Kevin Smith and all your Kevin Smith needs. If you're thinking "Who is Kevin Smith and why should I care?" you can tune out now; this app isn't for you. If you quote Chasing Amy, have dressed up as a character from Clerks for Halloween, and voluntarily chose to see Jersey Girl: it's your lucky day. The $0.99 app includes a custom feed of candid Kevin photos, a single-user Twitter client (!) so you can follow Kevin's 140-character bon mots, news feeds from Kevin's site with podcast/media downloads, a "photo with Silent Bob" tool, a Rant soundboard of Kevin quips... even a Kevin ringtone to go with your Kevin wallpaper. I am not making any of this up. In fairness to Kevin and his development team, I don't think they're taking themselves completely seriously here -- and if when Kevin and co. come to Macworld Expo to promote the app, you can bet we will be there to get an in-person demo. To quote the man, the myth, the legend: Yes, it may be the Pet Rock of the 21st century. But be honest: you've spent .99 cents on way dumber crap. If you're remotely into my nonsense, at the very least, this me-centric app will make you smile. At the very most, you'll put a noose around your neck, utter "It's all for you, Official Kevin Smith iPhone App!", and step off a ledge. Let's hope your reaction's somewhere betwixt the two. I'm almost afraid to search the store to see what other single-subject apps have been officially endorsed by their celebrity co-creators. If you had to pick a person that was deserving of his or her own app (aside from Kevin Smith), who would it be and why?

    Michael Rose
  • Silent Bob wants to be in a video game

    Speaking to Yahoo! Games, filmmaker Kevin "Silent Bob" Smith (Clerks, Dogma) talked about his interest in making a game based on his characters Jay and Silent Bob. Admitting that "games is one field that i like to be entertained, rather than try to be entertaining," Smith asserted that he'd be willing to write a back story for a game if someone else could handle everything else: "levels and challenges and bosses and things like that, I'm not so good at coming up with that kind of stuff," he said. Smith has two things going against him, though: his films center around dialogue and humor. And, as you may know, good humor and dialogue can spell certain disaster for any video game (see: Psychonauts). If Smith wants any hope of success in this industry, he had better base the game off of Jay and Silent Bob's alter-egos, Bluntman and Chronic. Drugs, babes, bad guys, guns, and excessive violence are the only sure-fire way to make a profit in gaming. Or film, for that matter. Snoochie Boochies![Via 1UP]

    Ross Miller
  • Apple thinks Silent Bob has too much to say

    Kevin Smith, aka Silent Bob (and a feature speaker at the upcoming Macworld Expo), is one of many celebrities asked to whip up an iTunes Celebrity Playlist. Being an Apple fanboy, and one eager to promote the Clerks II DVD, he finally agreed, after having blown it off when previously asked, due to scheduling issues. So have you seen or heard Kevin's playlist in the iTunes Store? Nope. And you are not likely to anytime soon. I'll let Kevin explain why..."Cut to three weeks ago, when - as another promotional vehicle for the 'Clerks II' DVD - I was afforded a second bite at the iTunes apple (pun intended). [...] 'This is a great playlist,' Darin from Apple wrote. 'Too great, actually. We don't have the space for comments that run that long. Will he be OK with us editing them (significantly) or would he prefer to do that himself? Two sentences for each track is a good outline.' [...] But the idea of trimming down (significantly, apparently) that Rorschach of the Soul known as the Celebrity Playlist didn't interest me. So with no hard feelings on either behalf, I declined inclusion." Since Apple didn't want Kevin's Playlist, he published it on his blog - full commentary intact. Check it out here. There are some great tracks there and it's quite an eclectic mix. Warning for the young'uns and those reading while at work - some of the material on Kevin's blog may not be suitable for your consumption unless your folks have gone to bed or your boss has already left for the day.