

  • Turn your smartphone into an iPhone-wannabe

    Dan Pourhadi
    Dan Pourhadi

    Stuck with your current smartphone for the remainder of your service contract? Tied in with business? Just can't wait 'til June 29th to get some of that iPhone-y goodness? No worries: Andy Ihnatko has you covered. In his Thursday column for the Chicago (go Cubs!) Sun-Times, Andy lists numerous ways to turn your multi-touchless Phone of Yesteryear into a genuine 'iFaux.' Included in the list are apps like Pocket Tunes (music app), Pocket Player (video app), Opera Mini (browser app), Google Maps (uh, map app), and a swanky service called SimulScribe that gives you a psuedo-Visual Voicemail feature, sending your voicemails to you as text (plus an audio attachment) via e-mail.Check the fully skinny, and enjoy Andy's trademark humor, in his full article on the Sun-Times site.