

  • World of WarCrafts: Healing Potion Punch

    Maureen Carter
    Maureen Carter

    Every Wednesday World of WarCrafts features a recipe that shows you how to make own real life version of in-game recipes and items. In the spirit of upcoming Christmas Winter Veil parties I thought that a drink might be a needed component. Now the drinks in WoW aren't exactly something you would want to serve at a party, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk and Moonberry Juice don't seem very....... festive to me. BUT! What about Healing Potions? Now hear me out. There has to something about those things if you have to wait two minutes to drink them.So, to that end I decided to create Healing Potion Punch.

  • Podsites put a bartender in your pocket

    Victor Agreda Jr
    Victor Agreda Jr

    Slashfood has a note about a couple of iPod-based drink recipe databases suitable for using on your iPod. Using html-linked notes (some call them podsites), the databases are browsable and somewhat interactive. Drunkenbatman would be proud.The iPod bartender  has a working demo on their site. So you can show it off to friends... It's also got a BoozeMix, which is like shuffle for your recipes. You pick your drinks based on a category, like Flaming or Eggnogs. I couldn't find plain ol' Flaming Eggnogs though.Apple nods to the drinking set with Podtender on their site. Although the pic of a 3G iPod at this point is a little comical. It boasts over 900 recipes, and can show each of them individually. They are pretty much sorted by name, which I think makes it more usable. You pay for the additional recipes though, as Podtender costs $10.Why do this on an iPod? Because nobody wants one of these, do they?

  • Slashfood: New WIN food blog

    C.K. Sample, III
    C.K. Sample, III

    I don't know if I've ever mentioned this before on TUAW, but I am immense. ... like 500 pound Orca whale fat*.