Sleek Wireless


  • KLEER wireless attachment comes to Sleek Audio's SA6 canalphones

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Sleek Audio's SA6 canalphones generated quite a bit of buzz due to those adjustable acoustics, and if you've been wishing on your lucky stars for a wireless interpretation of said headphones, something is clearly going right for you. The outfit has just revealed that a new partnership with KLEER (yes, KLEER) has led to a wireless application for the SA6 and Sleek Customs, which, according to Sleek, is the first wireless technology that could do these drivers justice. The new adornment attaches right to the SA6 earphones to provide "CD quality sound from a wireless platform," and better still, the SA6's detachable cable ensures that you can keep on listening with a tether should your battery die in the midst of cordless jamming. The KLEER accessory should be up for pre-order shortly at $120, while a KLEER / SA6 bundle will sell for $299.99. Full release after the break.