smart dj


  • Microsoft outlines new features for Windows Phone Mango's Music and Video Hubs

    Dana Wollman
    Dana Wollman

    When Microsoft unveiled Windows Phone Mango last month, the company spent a lot of time walking us through some of the 500-plus changes to the OS -- most notably, conversation threads, people groups, enhanced search functionality, Twitter and LinkedIn integration, IE9, and the instantly responsive Bing Vision. It's no wonder, then, that Redmond didn't have much time to talk multimedia. Well, the company just spilled the beans in a blog post, laying out a raft of new features that run the gamut from podcasts to improved playback controls. We've got a lot to recap, so join us past the break, won't you? %Gallery-125313%

  • Zune HD v4.5 firmware now available

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    It seems a handful in the Twitterverse have already discovered, but in case you're among those not in the know, so to speak, Microsoft has rolled out firmware 4.5 for the Zune HD. To recap, that includes Smart DJ mix, personalized recommendations, Marketplace support for TV, and expanded video codec support, a number of those features you can see in our hands-on piece (video embedded after the break). As usual, the update runs via the Zune desktop software, so plug in and enjoy! [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Zune HD v4.5 firmware 'coming soon,' adds SmartDJ, new codecs, and Marketplace access via AV dock (update: video!)

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    We know you've been waiting at the edge of your seat for that added codec support and SmartDJ for Zune HD, patient ever since its CES unveiling, and now we're here to assure you that it's coming with the next firmware update, version 4.5. We had a chance to preview both SmartDJ and Marketplace access via the AV dock connection this afternoon (video coming soon) -- the former being very smooth and easy-to-use, the latter being convenient except for having to input text using the simple remote and an on-screen keyboard. According to Marketing Manager Michael Yaeger, there's nothing in the cards right now for a new, more text input-friendly remote. While we had his attention, we also asked him about Mac support and international Zune HD releases -- neither of which he could answer definitively, but it doesn't sound hopeful in the near future. As for release date, we couldn't get anything more specific than within the next few weeks, but at least it's next on the docket. Press release after the break; so with that out of the way, how about some answers on that 64GB model, eh Microsoft? Update: Now with a video demonstration, after the break. %Gallery-89254%

  • Zune HD getting Xvid, Smart DJ, ever more appealing

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    We know you were put off by the whole Twitter censorship debacle last month, but Microsoft and the Zune HD have moved past that (honest) and they want you to come along as well. They're enticing everyone to forget about that bone-headed move by, well, throwing everyone a bone and adding in Xvid support, part of full compatibility with MPEG-4 part 2 Advanced Simple Profile. DivX will not be coming out to play, but Smart DJ will be, a feature that isn't so much new but is newly portable, providing a counterpoint to the iPod's Genius and, since you can use it to stream content from the Zune Marketplace (when connected via WiFi) it begins to approach the functionality of apps like Pandora or Slacker Radio. Tasty, indeed, though at this point we're not sure when Microsoft will be throwing us this juicy firmware update.