

  • Netflix

    Netflix for iOS can automatically download new episodes

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Netflix just made it easier to keep a Marie Kondo marathon going on your iPhone -- the company's Smart Downloads feature has finally made the leap to iOS. As on Android and Windows, the feature will automatically delete episodes you've watched and download the next one so long as you're on a WiFi network. You'll always have an episode ready for your commute, but won't have to consume gobs of storage for the privilege.

  • Getty Images

    Netflix makes it easier to manage downloaded shows on Android

    Mariella Moon
    Mariella Moon

    Netflix has made it much simpler to manage downloads on mobile -- in fact, you don't have to worry about purging watched episodes anymore. The streaming giant has launched "smart downloads" for Android, which automatically deletes downloaded episodes you've already seen. Even better, it instantly replaces an old episode by downloading the next one. The feature can help ensure that you don't unwittingly fill your storage, especially if you don't have an SD card for expansion.