smooth moves


  • Today's hottest game video: Gears of War 'jumping glitch'

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Wanna do a Mario-esque superjump in Gears of War? Check out the video that has Marcus Feenix boosting himself across the map like Carl Lewis on steroids. Carrying all that gear, sporting all those muscles, you know that Feenix must weigh close to 350 lbs, so there's some serious leggage going on here. Maybe he had some bionic implants dropped in during his stint in prison. Whatever he's doing, we want to know how to practically sword-fly our COG soldiers a la Halo. Check out the glitch-osity after the 'jump' ... get it? JUMP? HA HA HA, er ... um, yeah.

  • Gears of War 2: Electric Boogaloo

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    While we haven't seen it ourselves, this breakdancing glitch in Gears of War makes us want to throw down some cardboard and go to town on some Locust Horde folks. Maybe it'll be a possible Xbox Live Marketplace download as an additional kill animation in the game. Hit X to curb stomp, or press A to headpin their ass into the pavement.