

  • Breakfast Topic: Your favorite inn

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Today's topic is another inspired by the fine people of /r/wow. Redditor Shaurar posted their favorite inn, located on the barge of Thousand Needles. I can see why! No other inn looks quite like it ... and you can start a bar brawl with a Bottle of Grog. I've never put much thought into my favorite until seeing this post, but I do have a favorite inn -- one I no longer use due to the sheer inconvenience of it. Dalaran's Legerdemain Lounge holds a special place in my heart. It fit the Dalaran aesthetic wonderfully. The Lounge and its immediate surrounding areas held all sorts of fun little touches, too. Jones the cat would react to being pet and Sheddle Glossgleam, just a couple of doors over, would give you a shoe shine if you sat in the chair beside him. Since the end of Wrath of the Lich King, my hearth has been set in the Dwarven District of Stormwind. I'm no fan of the shrines in Pandaria, and with the Pandaria portal directly behind the Dwarven District, getting where I need to go is no big deal. It's purely convenience, though. The place has no real flavor. The Shrines are chock full of flavor, but not my kind of flavor. Such is personal preference. What's your favorite in? Do you have one? Do you still use it, or is it a distant memory? Are you a poor soul that loved Stormwind's Park before Deathwing ate it?