

  • Facebook's 'Star Trek' reactions show it doesn't know jack about Spock

    Sean Buckley
    Sean Buckley

    Today is Star Trek's 50th anniversary, marking half a century since the show first aired on September 8th 1966. Here at Engadget, we're celebrating with an ancient Trekkie tradition: Nitpicking. Today, Facebook announced that it's temporarily replacing its "Like" buttons with a set of Trek-inspired reactions -- a laughing Captain Kirk, a sad, crying Geordi Laforge and an adorably angry Klingon. They're all perfect ...except for Spock. Facebook chose Star Trek's most emotionless character to represent its most emotive reaction: "Wow."

  • Engadget giveaway: win a 'Star Trek' prize package courtesy of ThinkGeek!

    Jon Turi
    Jon Turi

    On September 8th, 1966, TV audiences were taken on a journey where no one had gone before. This was the date Star Trek first aired and whether you're a fan or not, it's likely made an impact. The 50th anniversary of this space adventure's first voyage is officially just two days away, and to celebrate, ThinkGeek has provided us with some serious Star Trek merch for one lucky reader. Think you'd ace the Kobayashi Maru? Try pitting your strategies against your friends in the Star Trek 50th Anniversary Risk game, or just sit on the couch and zap your TV with this phaser replica remote control. Motorola's StarTAC may have paved the way for real-world flip communicators, but now you can have the real thing (via Bluetooth). These and a pile of other spacey gadgets are all part of this week's prize package. Have no fear, though, everyone can stock up on all they want over at ThinkGeek. For up to three chances at winning this stack of Star Trek gear, all you need to do is head to the Rafflecopter widget below. Live long and prosper! Winner: Congratulations to James D. of Los Angeles, CA!