

  • History Egypt, Telegraph Crosswords, Stellar Attack join growing Minis line-up

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    It may have had a slow start in the US, but the Minis are finally coming in full-force. Three new Minis are coming to PSP/PS3 soon, and they're all very different games. History Egypt: Engineering an Empire is a licensed strategy game based on History Channel's Engineering an Empire television series. Imagine, if you will, a game that's one part Civilization, another part Advance Wars, with "extensive historical research" delivered by the History Channel. This Mini offers a "hot-seat" two-player mode, and a campaign featuring 14 nations and 30 cities. Telegraph Crosswords will be available next Tuesday, June 1st for $2.99. Featuring 500 puzzles, there are three different types of crosswords to choose from: Quick, General Knowledge and Cryptic. Finally, Stellar Attack (pictured) looks to be the most action-packed Mini of the bunch. Launching on June 1st for $4.49, this is an "homage to classic shoot-em-up Star Castle," featuring puzzles, action and "precision targeting." With a techno soundtrack and a "racking" score system, this should appeal to the hardcore crowd. Check out a trailer, after the break.