

  • Mac rumors gone too far: Steve gets into a car

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    I'm as big a fan of all the pre-keynote whispers as the next guy, as long as the next guy isn't working for Apple, but I think that it has gone too far when MacGuardian posts pictures of Steve getting into a car.I don't read German so I have no idea what the article says, but what has the world come to when a man can't get into a car without having someone spy on him?Photo from MacGuardian.

  • What will Jobs wear?

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    So today is the day of the Stevenote and the one question on everyone's mind is: what will Steve be wearing? The smart money is on a jeans/black turtleneck combo with some New Balance kicks (as the kids say), but I think this year will be different.I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Steve will be wearing a flannel shirt and some cutoff jean shorts and no shoes. Why? Because he said so.What do you think Steve will be wearing, and do you really care?Oh, and just so you know we will be liveblogging the keynote even though we couldn't get a media pass. We will not be silenced!

  • No live Keynote webcast, again

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    The only thing more fun than poring over all of the new stuff that's revealed during a Steve Jobs keynote is watching Jobs himself deliver the goods. He's such a talented public speaker, and knows precisely how to work a Mac geek like me into a credit card-fueled frenzy. For the past couple of years at least, Apple has not provided a live web broadcast of the keynote, opting instead to post the video to its website after the fact. It looks like that's the plan for this Tuesday as well, which is disappointing. I'll watch the video, of course, but watching it happen live is so much more pleasant than impatiently waiting for a bare-bones and overburdened website to refresh its content.Come on, Steve, let us have the webcasts back. Aside from feeding my adolescent need for instant gratification, the webcasts are a real display of Apple's technical prowess. Or something.

  • Behind the scenes at a Jobs keynote

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    Mike Evangelist, the man behind Writers Block Live, has written a great article about all the work that is involved in bringing a Stevenote to fruition. Sure, to us it looks like Steve just walks onto the stage and talks about Apple gear off the top of his head, but these keynotes are elaborate productions that take several teams of people many weeks to prepare for.Steve's rep for being a perfectionist is reinforced with this article. Steve wanted some very good film and photos for the iDVD launch, but he didn't want professional stuff, he wanted something that people could shoot. So the call went out to all Apple folks to send in home movies and the best of those were brought before Steve. He didn't care for most and the process was repeated until the right set was found.All in all, an excellent inside look at the great Jobs dog and pony show that we all know and love.Thanks to Aebhric Coleman.

  • Just for Fun: Keynote Comics

    C.K. Sample, III
    C.K. Sample, III

    This morning, I spotted Jordan's DownloadSquad post about StripGenerator, a flash-based web app that lets you generate your own comic strips. Inspired by next week's keynote, I made the pictured comic with a short, angry version of Steve Jobs presenting a multimedia iPod remote alongside a new Apple IntelMac.Just for fun, head over to StripGenerator, create your own comic strip of how you think next week's keynote may go down, and post a link to the strip you've created in the comments.

  • Jobs in a suit

    C.K. Sample, III
    C.K. Sample, III

    I've seen this pic before, but it's getting the traffic over at Digg, so I thought it worth pointing to again. Here's the full-size picture of the cover of the premiere issue of Macworld, featuring Steve Jobs, not in jeans and a turtleneck as a friend to the consumer, but in a suit, trying to sell the Mac to the world. He also seems to be doing some sort of Jesus's arms in the Last Supper painting thing with the way he's hovering over those three Macs.

  • 2006: Year of the great Steve backlash

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    Kevin Maney thinks that Steve Jobs has been riding a little too high in the public eye, and for a little too long. During this time of predictions and 'Best of 2005' lists Maney adds his voice to the choir, but he is the only person, that i know of, who is predicting the fall of Jobs. His reasoning seems to be that, and I quote, 'Nobody in America gets such a long ride on the oh-we-sooooo-adore-you bandwagon.'Well, I'm glad that such journalistic pillars as research and sources mean little to Mr. Maney. Is he wrong? I have no idea, my crystal ball is at the cleaners.Only time will tell if his Steveness' fall will come in 2006, but if I have learned anything whilst covering Apple it is, 'Never bet against Jobs.'

  • iPod Invisa for sale on Ebay

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Hey, the Steve Jobs skit that recently aired on SNL is finally funny! The all-new, ultra tiny iPod Invisa is for sale on Ebay. It measures 0.000000mm x 0.000000mm x 0.000000mm, weighs 0.000000oz (shipping weight 0.000001 oz), holds 8 million songs as well as every photo ever taken! Here it is pictured next to an iPod mini.The funny part is that the auction is up to $50US (at the time of this posting) across 12 bids. It was a skit, people. If you're that eager to give up fifty bucks, I'll take it.

  • No Jobs keynote at Mac Expo Paris

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Apple has confirmed today that Steve Jobs will not be delivering a keynote speech at Mac Expo in Paris later this month. Instead, Apple executives (including Jobs) will host a Q&A with members of the media. "Yes, Steve will be at Apple Expo with other members of Apple's executive team," said Apple spokesperson Bill Evans in a comment to Macworld.No reason was given for the cancellation.Thanks, Fabienne!

  • Governor Steve?

    C.K. Sample, III
    C.K. Sample, III

    Peter over at Engadget has the scoop on some possible political plans (don't ya love alliteration) of Steve Jobs. Actually, it's all largely conjecture based on an article about the current Governator of California. However, we know that Steve reads Engadget, so if he wasn't really thinking about it, now maybe he is. There's evidence for this being a logical move for Steve. He's recently made the tough type of phone calls that politicians must sometimes make. He's given commencement speeches, and he's as American as Apple pie. He even has his own plane should he have to fly to the other end of the state for a political emergency and he already receives odd courtesies from public enforcement officers.