

  • No Comment: Just what do you think of this decal, Dave?

    This MacBook decal is great, and it looks like it would work well on your iPad, too -- though you might not get that glowing effect that makes it so awesome. We've seen quite a few fun decals similar to this before, including some specifically for the iPad, some for the iPhone, and even some other great geeky ones. But none have made such a statement about the ubiquity of computers lately, so we'll just post this one right here under No Comment. Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do ...

    Mike Schramm
  • These are the MacBook moustaches you've been looking for

    You'll never look at an apple the same way again. %Gallery-94815%

    Donald Melanson
  • BAFTA awards boost UK game sales, stickering begins

    UK game retailers and GAME are reporting a surge in sales after this month's British Academy of Film and Television Arts awards, according to UK site MCV. GAME's COO Terry Scicluna, speaking with MCV, said that the awards show garnered a "real buzz" from consumers while reported a 14 percent increase in new customers to their site since the March 10th awards ceremony.An aggressive stickering campaign at the UK game retailer surrounded the awards, with employees not only stickering nominees leading up to the ceremony but also BAFTA winners immediately following. "In all GAME stores the nominated games were stickered as official BAFTA nominees, and in the last week the winning games have been re-stickered to highlight their Award success," said Scicluna ... likely pondering what to sticker next.

    Ben Gilbert
  • NiGHTS: Journey to awesome free stuff

    NiGHTS Community, a site for obsessive NiGHTS fans, came into possession of some rare Journey of Dreams memorabilia earlier this year when Sega gave the administrator a private demo of the game (!) Instead of hoarding it forever or selling it on eBay, the site has decided to give it away in a contest. And the prizes are all being given away individually instead of as a giant pile, so you have half a chance.You could win a PAL copy of NiGHTS or much more interesting (but less playable) stuff, such as a glow-in-the-dark sticker sheet, a Japanese promotional poster, or a two-track soundtrack sampler which apparently was never made available outside of Sega of Europe! We hope you can fulfill your dreams of having stuff with pictures of NiGHTS on it.

    JC Fletcher
  • DS Daily: Who's got their skin on?

    GelaSkins' awesome range of DS skins got us thinking about decorating our handhelds all over again, but who out there has already skinned their DS, and which design did you opt for? Better still, have any of you customized your own DS skin? If so, now is your chance to show it off (pictures are a must for this DS Daily, obviously), and perhaps even earn yourself some internet fame!** Amongst the people who read DS Fanboy comment threads.%Gallery-20794%

  • Guitar modded to integrate laptop with music visualizer

    Old laptops are a geek modder's best friend: this particular example is one of the better mods we've seen to incorporate an old lappie, with a guy called Ben sticking his old machine behind the strings of an electric guitar. He then linked up the sound produced by the guitar to a visualizer in the laptop, allowing it to pump some psychedelic-looking sound waves out to onlookers. Beats the usual sticker decorations, dontchafink?[Via Technabob]

  • All that glitters is gold decal

    We've showed you some nice DS sticker skins from South Korea before, but we think these decals are a little bit nicer. Why? Because they're 24-karat gold, of course. The SGP Metal pack, which makes the DS shiny and delicious, is being sold in South Korea for 26,200 KRW (approximately $29 USD).Adding metal trim to the DS is apparently all the rage in South Korea, which is fine by us. If we ever make it over there, we'll have to keep an eye out for all the pimped out handhelds.Hit the jump to see what this DS looks like on the inside.

    Candace Savino
  • Show your support for Hordes or Allies

    These are awesome, and yes, I wish I could buy one, too. Cypher shows off these ribbons she made over on livejournal, and says that whenever she drives around with the Horde one on her car, fellow Hordies scream "For the Horde" at her as she drives by. Sounds about right! For the Horde!But she says she made them for her and her roommate-- does she keep them both on the same car? I don't know how the whole "Blizzard-created logo" copyright thing would work (and I'm not quite down with putting stickers on my car), but selling both of these as magnets would be a great idea. Very awesome.

    Mike Schramm
  • iPhone skins from DecalGirl

    If going all-out with a custom Colorware paint job for your iPhone is a bit too over-the-top, perhaps some new iPhone skin kits from the everlasting DecalGirl are more your style. Printed on premium grade adhesive-backed cast vinyl with a high-gloss clear protective coating, all of their skins boast easy repositioning and goo-free removal (I've never used one of these - can anyone comment on their experiences with accessories like this and their goo factor?). For the iPhone, DecalGirl already has over 160 designs that can easily be sorted by a large selection of colors and themes, and as a bonus, you also receive a matching iPhone wallpaper to complete the redecoration. Skins seem to all be priced at a reasonable $6.99, with extra protective or stylistic finishes - like Screen Armor, Matte and Gloss - available for $4.50 to $9.99.

    David Chartier
  • The Yakult Swallows have gotta catch 'em all

    And by 'em, we mean children. Kids visiting Yakult Swallows baseball games this summer are in for a happy surprise-- or they're going to game specifically for these giveaways. The team is collaborating with the Pokemon Company to give away some stamp cards and stickers.To promote the Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai movie, elementary school students who go to Swallows games starting on the 14th will receive a stamp card, which gets a new Pokemon-shaped stamp at every game. Depending on how many stamps are received, the kids are awarded one of three sticker sheets of increasing deluxeness.

    JC Fletcher
  • Sticker shocking designs from Korea

    Gariz's stickers won't upstage mods like yesterday's Zelda-themed DS Lite, but they're an easy way to personalize your handheld with an attractive design. The metal decals emphasize the embossed logo on the system' s lid, surrounding it with either a deco pattern or a miniaturized DS. Both styles come in silver and gold.Selling for approximately $29 at its Korean shop, the're no doubt that the Gariz skins are overpriced, especially when you consider that the rest of the included stickers -- matching borders for your screens, three alphabet sets, and accents for your D-pad/buttons -- are nothing to write home about. We're sure that there'll be people who won't mind paying the premium price though, as there aren't many other options for subtle customizations like these. Jump past the break for more photos.See also: Just about the awesomest skins EVAR

    Eric Caoili
  • Breakfast Topic: Meeting other WoW folks in real life

    The other day while I was packing up after doing some research at my local library, a small group of people stopped me to ask what the stickers on my laptop were about. I replied that they were symbols from World of Warcraft. It turned out that several of the folks in the group were also WoW players – although they were all Alliance. One of the girls in the group happily told me all about her Night Elf Druid, and how her boyfriend had gotten her into WoW. She then followed up by noting that she was surprised to meet someone who played Horde out in real life. We chatted about WoW for a good ten to fifteen minutes, I told them about WoW Insider (because this place rocks) and then we all headed our separate ways. With the sheer amount of merchandise now available, like t-shirts, book bags, and stickers, WoW players are making their presence known more and more in the real world. Have you ever worn or displayed something with a WoW reference on it and been stopped by other gamers or people asking about it? If you saw someone wearing a WoW shirt, what would you do? How about if they were of the opposing faction, as most of the group I was talking to were? Personally, I think it was awesome to meet other gamers, no matter if they were of the opposing faction. After all, we're all just people out to have fun in Azeroth when it comes down to it. I also thought that it was really cool to hear (and remember) the excitement of someone new to the game, as well as sharing experiences with other people who have raided the same places I have. That said, if you ever see a girl with multi-colored hair who has Horde stickers on her laptop (as seen above) feel free to pop over and say hello!

  • DS Daily: Get your skin on

    We were looking wistfully at this phantom Phoenix Wright decal set, as we are prone to do in unguarded moments, and we realized that despite the fact that this particular set was too beautiful for this world, we still have a desire to skin our DS.But we thought we'd check with you before we did anything hasty. What's your opinion on skinning? Is it universally tacky (er, in the style sense-- we'd kind of hope they were a little sticky) or a way to make your system unique? And if you're all for it, what do you go for? Bling? Anime tie-in? Or something from one of the online stores like Decalgirl that specializes in skins?

    JC Fletcher
  • Protect your Wiimote with a decal

    Gametech is concerned about the finish of your Wiimote. Perhaps you've been playing too much Wario Ware while wearing your fabulous jewelry? Perhaps you've been putting the Wiimote in your pocket while you answer the phone? Or maybe you've put the controller through too many televisions?Whatever the reason, your pristine, shiny surface is in danger of being scratched. And Gametech wants to sell you this plastic decal, called the Subera na Sheet Wii ("Slip Sheet Wii") to help prevent that from happening. They're also including a grip-enhancing decal for the battery cover of the remote. They promise right there on the package that it is difficult for you to lose grip of it!

    JC Fletcher
  • The iPod as demand for action

    Believe it or not, not everyone loves the iPod. While I don't count myself among the haters, I do see how this is sort of obnoxious. Tiny stickers that, when affixed to your iPod shuffle, announce either your desire to engage in conversation or your wish to be left completely alone. Hey, I'm glad that you're enjoying your iPod, but I don't need to have the thing telling me what to do.Now, I understand (I think) the idea here. Typically, the act of wearing headphones in public sends a clear "leave me alone" signal. The "Talk to me" sticker would come into play if a person was open to chat despite the fact that s/he was wearing headphones (In fact, the stickers were born as a result of Marco Siebertz's senior thesis exploring the social implications of using headphones, specifically as a sign for non-communication). An interesting idea, but I still think that the same result could be achieved through other means, like eye contact, a smile or, heaven forbid, actually turing your darn iPod off for a minute or two.[Via The Blog Herald]

    Dave Caolo
  • New iMac and MacBook Pro (fortunately) void of Intel branding

    AdJab was the first to notice something we've all been worrying about since the day Jobs announced the switch to Intel chips: Intel branding on the new Macs, or more specifically: the lack therof. After checking the product sites for the new iMac and MacBook Pro and confirming with a couple of our on-site bloggers, it's official: the new Macs weren't marred by any of the typical stickers and other silly marketing gobbly gook that our PC counterparts are victims of. So you lucky bunch who are placing orders right now for zippy new Intel-infused Macs, rest assured: they're still beautiful and sticker-free.

    David Chartier